Saturday, August 4, 2012


Sunlight's coming through the windows on the east side of the house.  Dos is watching old animated Batman stories on a dvd he picked out from the library.  Tres lies asleep in my bed where she came to at 6:00 this morning and Quattro is making a slight fuss over being put down for his first nap of the day.  I know his fusses won't last long considering he already has his blanket pulled up around his cheeks - a sign that says, "let me get cozy before I go to sleep".  I love the morning time like this. Slow moving, peaceful.

I find it funny that my last post listed my blessings and this morning I opened "The Happiness Project" book to find that gratitude was one of the features this month. 

It is true, "a grateful heart is a happy heart".  And this heart has MUCH to be grateful for. 

My parents as can what only be described as "survived" an awful childhood.  My father's by nature was far worse than my mom's but even hers was no rosy event.  Both of my grandfathers were alcoholics.  My father's father was a mean, abusive alcoholic while my mother's father simply drank away their entire income.  Having this information filed in the back of my mind, there are two things that amaze me:
1.  That I have the most amazing parents.  By their raising and treatment of me, you would have NO CLUE their fathers were not perfect examples of how to raise a family.
2.  My husband loves and cares for not only me but our kids as well.  He feels a strong urge to provide for his family and does a wonderful job of doing it.  I will never know a home like what my parents grew up in and for that, I am grateful.

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.