Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Painted My Nails

One would think that upon return from a refreshing Mom's conference that birds would sing as I wake in the morning and help me as I tidy up my house.  It would be appropriate to think all is well in my role as mom.  Ah, but it isn't so.  I feel like I am digging myself out of an avalanche with a kid-sized shovel.  I am so glad I heard Jen Hatmaker say, "Glean God's Word in the morning because by midday you may have run out of God's Word from the day before."  Too true. 
Today was not a good day for Tres.  She very much likes rules, guidelines, order, a plan.  Does she sound like anyone you know? :)  And with these likes comes anxiety when things do not go well.  Enter me.  Her mother.  The one who has a life goal of being places on time.  I'm 33 and it's still a life goal, hence, I do not get to places on time.  Something takes over me when I know there is a deadline, a time frame.  I begin to think I have all the time in the world.  What is my problem???  Needless to say, we were late today.  I mean, LATE.  The kids made it in the school door in the nick of time.  However, on the way home I realized it's Wednesday.  Library day.  Guess where the book was?  By the time I got home and emailed the teacher that I had forgotten Tres' book, her teacher had emailed me saying Tres had tried to hold back the tears as long as she could but she was terribly upset about forgetting her book.  When I arrived at school at lunchtime (yes, lunchtime.  it took me that long to get dressed, baby fed, etc.) I noticed Tres was eating a hot lunch.  Strange because I had packed her lunch in a mad rush this morning.  Obviously in the panic of getting in the doors on time this morning, she forgot her lunch in the vehicle.  I had to love on her at lunch because her poor fragile heart just about couldn't take all the craziness. 
Well the whole avalanche feeling comes from the fact that I feel like I'm not making any progress in the cleaning of my home because I'm doing the same basic jobs over and over.  However, today was a little like a slap in the face or a good kick in the pants because tonight my kids were in bed on time, their clothes are ironed for tomorrow, and lunches are ready, waiting in the fridge, and backpacks are by the door.  Tomorrow will be a better day.  Right?
Oh, and by the way....How did this turn into
this???? He will be 9 months on Friday:(
Thought I'd throw one in of Dos for good measure.  Here he is at the Cub Scouts.  It's official, he's a Tiger Cub.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Latest...

Uno is playing football and I gotta say, I'm impressed.  Growing up, me and my siblings always played sports but football just seems so rough.  My words of wisdom to him?  "Run baby, don't let them tackle you."  So much for me promoting the "tough guy" approach.  He's in middle school and it amazes me how quickly the time flies.  I can still remember him in a car seat or carrying around a sippy cup. 

Dos has turned into this little man. Over the weekend, I hovered close to a public restroom that he went into by himself.  Upon his exit, he saw me and said, "Mom, I'm not a baby."  To me he is.  He's my baby.  My tall, seven year old baby.  He's my deep thinker.  The one who keeps me on my toes.  The one who's really not gonna care what the crowd does.  He marches to the beat of his own drum.  He's HUGE into Ninjago and often shares with me the latest "true potential" that a particular ninja possesses.  What's "true potential"?  In fact, I would like him to tell me what my "true potential" is.

Tres, oh my Tres.  If stars could dance in one's eyes, they would dance in hers.  She is a rare jewel.  One that lights up a room and her spirit is so fragile you don't want to do anything to crush her.  She's a dancer now.  In fact, tonight she shared some of her mad skills.  My prayers nowadays consist of "please, Lord, don't let me laugh while she's dancing".  It is a laugh of joy but I know she will interpret it as me laughing at her.  The intensity across her face while she recalls her dance steps is what makes me smile.  This girl is giving it her all.

And my baby, Quattro, I kiss on his cheeks so much I truly think he has grown annoyed.  He's saying "bye, bye, bye" now and sits up.  He loves our dog, Maybelle.  Out of the whole family, I believe he may like her best with Bama, the lab, running a close second.  Quattro will be 9 months this week.  And he has rolls and dimples in all the right places.  A truly pleasant baby.  I love him. 

Monday, September 24, 2012

When An Object's in Motion It Stays in Motion

I may be a little far reaching here to try and incorporate some physics into the blog, but hey, it's what I bring to the table:)
The work of a mom is constant.  I'm not sure when there is a down time.  And truth be told, I like knowing I have a job to do.  That there is a task at hand.  What I do not like is the hamster wheel of my daily tasks.  Having said that, I have a plan.
I pin numerous articles and tidbits on organization.  Might I add here that I am fascinated that I can learn new things DAILY?  So for today I learned two things: 1.  NEVER use water when cleaning a bathroom.  Dry, clean rags only.  2.  Decorative contact paper on a soup can will be my new pencil holder.  Oh yeah, I can tell your impressed.  However, all my pins really only support my existing knowledge of what needs to be done.  I simply need to do it.
Starting tomorrow, I will use Flylady's zones to help me take one day each this week to tackle that "zone" in a detailed manner.  Flylady has her 5 zones and I have added some to her guidelines.  So, if there are five work days and five zones then I can do a little deep cleaning of each zone while the kids are at school.  The first zone is out of luck considering the kids were out of school today and I had this "Aha" moment today. 
My Five Zones:
1.  Entrance and Kids' Room
2.  Kitchen and Toy room
3.  Living Room and Laundry Room
4.  Other Kids' Rooms and 2 Baths
5.  Master Bedroom and Bath

According to the above list, tomorrow I will be working on my kitchen and toy room. The two most challenging rooms in my house.  Okay, if truth be told the toy room and the laundry room would be the two most challenging rooms in my house due to their amazing ability to collect STUFF. 
The goal for tomorrow is "get in, get out, take no prisoners!"
Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Coming home from a trip usually means my bag will sit at the foot of my bed unpacked for a week and I will pull from it what is needed but never fully unpack until it's long overdue.  Well I just got home last night so if I unpack the bag tomorrow, I won't be doing too bad.  Besides my physical bag to unpack I feel there are a LOT of "nuggets" of wisdom I am to unpack from this conference. 

I believe the last women's conference I went on was in 2005.  To say that this dot MOM was needed would be an understatement. I believe half my fulfillment came from laughing with my friends. 
There are several women authors that spoke and I have found some new people and books to love!  Jen Hatmaker has got to be my new favorite.  She spoke in a main session then I attended one of her breakout sessions.  Wow!  She's good and funny and right to the heart of Christianity.  I enjoyed hearing her tremendously.  Jen shared her recent journey of adoption.  She already had three biological children and added two children from Ethiopia.  I have so many notes from her.  I wrote as fast as I could because she was saying such good stuff.  She said she's come to the point of asking, "Why are we blessing the blessed?"  Meaning there is a WORLD out there that is in poverty - reach out.  My current goal is to show and foster generosity in my children - in our community and globally.  I have some ideas but will wait til another time to post.  Another speaker asked, "What 5 things do you want your daughter to possess?"  As I listed the five things out, the speaker added, "then make sure those five things are in you."  Ouch!  I realized much of my focus has been on the exterior but what I want, I mean REALLY want for my children, are the things that can only be found on the interior, their hearts.  My prayer for my kids, husband, and myself is that our character reflects the character of Christ.  This will be a long and difficult road but I believe one that will be well worth it.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Dog Tired

Feel like I have a toolbox full of ideas on how to be a better mother. The conference was fabulous!!! I'm very thankful for this weekend but am TOO tired to share a thing. My bed is calling my name:)

Friday, September 21, 2012

dot MOM

I'm at the dot MOM conference in Birmingham. I can not tell you what this conference means to me. I would liken it to a cool drink of water after a marathon. I am here with three of my girlfriends and love being around other moms who are doing life and in some of the same struggles as I am. I look forward to the memories and hope to have more to share later.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Down to the Wire

So, I had every intention of posting earlier but just did not happen.  And for those of you who will ask...I did log my calorie intake today and I did walk.  But to be honest the food consumed needs to be healthier picks.

I will head out of town tomorrow.  This will be the first time in nine months that I have been away from husband and children.  Actually, it's probably been longer than nine months but I really can't remember when was the last time.  Once I'm finished blogging, I'll need to go pump.  Numero Uno will be in charge of feeding little man and I really hope I have enough milk in storage for him.

As crazy as this may sound, my first real conversation about nursing an infant came from an old boyfriend's family.  Crazy, right?  Now knowing me and my love with big families and farm living, you can understand how fascinated I became with this guy's big Catholic, chicken raising family.  Plus they were Cajun to boot!  I remember his father telling me (after I had seen a home video in which the mom was nursing her baby while the family was doing something - can't remember I was in shock of seeing a woman nursing) that nursing an infant was the most natural thing in the world.  He must've seen the look of sheer horror on my face like something terrible was going down.  Please understand, I was raised in a family where nothing related to being a female was discussed - nothing.  I'm sure there is a reason for this - I do not know the reason, but I'm sure there is one.  And what a married couple did together was called "it".  So suffice it to say I was clueless about breastfeeding but immediately curious.  Fast forward six years to the birth of Dos and I wanted to breastfeed.  My sister pioneered the way in my family as she has for many things and she was a success at breastfeeding.  Naturally, I thought it would be just as easy.  Not so.  I had read all kinds of materials (okay,one book), attended seminars (okay, one seminar which was recommended by the hospital where I would give birth), and talked with my sister.  Now my sister was working at the time of her first child and pumped ALL THE TIME.  When she used a breast pump, she would get between 8 - 10 ounces of milk.  She told me to only buy the Medela pump and I forked out the big bucks for it and just knew this was gonna be easy peasy.  When I pump, even now, I get two ounces out at best - 2 ounces!!
By the time Dos was six weeks, I was supplementing formula.  I gave up when he was four months.  Now there is a plethora of advice you will get when nursing (or when you're graduating from anywhere, getting married, or are pregnant) and honestly some of those women scared me.  I heard nightmares of how they just nurse their baby anywhere and every hour and a half.  EVERY HOUR AND A HALF?  What kind of life do they have?  Well that was not gonna be me.  And it wasn't. 
When Tres came along I was determined to do better and I did.  I nursed her completely, no formula, for the first five months.  I still remember when I stopped.  It was the day she turned 5 months old.  I thought she wasn't getting enough milk. 
Quattro will be 9 months next week and we're still nursing.  My goal is to nurse til he's one.  We'll see how it goes but I'm proud of myself for making it thus far.

So what made the difference?  What did I learn?  I'll share with you.  Take it or leave it.
1.  Do not let your newborn sleep past the 3 hour mark.  Meaning, feed your infant every 3 hours, counting from when you first started feeding him til the next feeding.  For example, if you fed your baby at 6:00 a.m. then you will feed again at 9:00 a.m.  I learned to wake mine up and it actually worked to regulate their metabolism and as they got older this helped them to sleep LONGER.  Trust me, I've used it on three babies.
2.  Your newborn needs to do three things in this exact order: eat, wake time, sleep.  DO NOT let him/her eat, sleep, then wake time.  It will mess with their long lasting sleep schedule as they grow older.
3.  Drink half your weight in water in ounces.  Let me explain because when I first heard this I thought I would need to drink 80 bottles of water a day and had no clue as to how I was going to accomplish this much less do anything else.  I weigh 160 pounds; therefore, I need to drink 80 ounces of water a day (or 10 glasses of water a day).  It helps.
4.  If your milk supply is feeling low, drink Mother's Tea or it may be called Mother's Milk.  It contains certain herbs that stimulate milk production.  DO NOT start this until after baby is born.  The night before I had Quattro, I made this tea, bottled it up for the hospital and began drinking it shortly after he was born.
5.  TRY, TRY, TRY to not put a lot of pressure on yourself to be a perfect, breastfeeding mother.  Tell yourself (as I often do), "It's gonna be okay.  We (meaning me and baby) can do this.  I got this. Just relax."
6.  Find a quiet spot to nurse each time.  I've found that Quattro will eat better when it's just me and him in the rocker.  He is easily distracted by the other four family members and two dogs:)
7.  Make a "Nursing Caddy" for your quiet spot.  A friend gave me a diaper caddy and I wasn't sure I would use it until another friend suggested I make it my Nursing Caddy.  It was a HUGE help during the first few weeks of nursing.  It contained: hand sanitizer, back up pacifier, wet wipes, lanolin (NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT), nursing pads, diapers, feeding schedule charts, ink pen, thermometer, blue nasal suction thingie, hand lotion.  This bad boy was a lifesaver.
8.  It is okay to veer away from the schedule every once in a while.  There have been times when it has been less than three hours and little man is fussy and I'll nurse him.  But I will caution this has been the rare case.  You do not want to get into the habit of feeding every hour and a half to two hours. 
9.  Enjoy.  It is the truth what you hear from so many women: this is some of the most beautiful, precious bonding times you will have with your child and only YOU can share it with him/her.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baby Weight

Tomorrow I will wake up and attempt to go through the day watching what I eat and exercising for at least 45 minutes.  Oh the joys of weight gain:)  Oh the joys of Motherhood.
Now I am not one of those moms that lose all my baby weight 3 weeks after giving birth.  I can honestly look at my body and see changes made from each pregnancy.
With Dos I gained 30 pounds which wasn't bad but I had wanted to lose weight before I got pregnant with him.  After I had him though I lost down to 10 pounds less than what my starting weight was with his pregnancy.  I was pumped!  Then I found out I was pregnant again.  I was thrilled with the pregnancy and weighing 10 pounds less than the previous pregnancy which triggered the idea in my mind that there would be a free-for-all with my diet and I subsequently gained 40 pounds with Tres' pregnancy.  Not so good.  Well with Quattro's pregnancy my starting weight was the highest I had seen it.  I only gained 35 pounds but probably would have done well to only gain 25. 
So here I sit, dreading tomorrow but so needing some improvement to my health.  I want to show my kids a healthier lifestyle than the one I've been living.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Can Not Sing

I can not sing.  However, since my babies came along, I sing to them.  I think I started singing to them right before I put them to bed in their crib then prayed with them.  A cousin of mine gave me a book titled, "365 Things Every New Mom Should Know" and in it it recommended praying with your infant to get him/her into a bedtime routine.  For some reason I added in singing to them before we prayed together.  Maybe it was because holding such a sweet, tender precious being evoked emotions that seemed to come out in song.  I sang, "You are my Sunshine" and "Baby Mine".
Nowadays, after devotions, Dos and Tres climb into their beds then I lay by one and ask, "What song?" then I sing the request then move to the next bed, "What's your song?"
Over the years I have sang a variety of songs, a VBS song, the Mickey Mouse song, hymns.  Now it's typically "Away in a Manger" for Dos and "Jesus Loves Me" for Tres.  But when I want to tell them I love them and that no one else means the same to me like they do, I always go back to the old faithfuls, the standbys, "You are My Sunshine" and "Baby Mine". 

Monday, September 17, 2012

31 Days of....Motherhood

There's an attraction to number goals for me.  And dare I say it?  I believe for other women as well.  So, here I go on the bandwagon of blogging about a particular topic for 31 days.  Yes, 31.  And yes, I'm aware that I've recently tried to blog for 30 days in a row and failed.  But you know what they say?  "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  This is me trying again:)
I believe it was on the Imperfect Homemaking sight that I first saw the idea of blogging for 31 days about something I am passionate about.  I have posted the queries of what I am passionate about and in my soul what I am passionate about is Motherhood.  Hands down being a mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Therefore, for the next 31 days you are going to hear about it.  So there.
In order for me to embark on this 31 day adventure maybe I should reveal to you my introduction into motherhood - all four times (technically five). 
When I married Numero Uno I instantly became a mother (no, not to him - he's a good, mature man).  You see I became a stepmother to a handsomely chubby almost 3 year old.  I have learned over the years that this role is a parent in name only and it has come with its ups and downs but so has my role as mom to my other three.  Having married in September and Uno about to turn 3, Numero Uno said, "Let's have a baby".  This was music to my ears because I had been dreaming of a house full of kids ever since I read Janette Oke's "Love Comes Softly" series and had named all the pencils in my elementary pencil pouch the names of Marty's kids.  I dreamed of being pregnant and bare foot and at home with a perfectly tidy house and seven well mannered children.  Naturally, I thought Numero Uno's dreams consisted of this too:)  Would you believe I got pregnant in November?  Unfortunately I miscarried in December.  I still remember the night I found out.  The trip my parents made from there house to my new, first house.  I remember Numero Uno was on the way home from work.  I remember crying and crying.  I remember such disappointment.  It was dark out and I met Numero Uno on the front walk.  He held me and told me he was sorry.  I guess I didn't realize in those childhood dreams that the road to Mommyhood could be difficult and painful and sad. 
We tried for over a year to get pregnant and finally I had to go see my doctor for some help.  A month later I stared at a pregnancy test in disbelief.  I actually shouted, "Thank you, Lord", laughed, and cried all at the same time.  Due to how dirty Numero Uno's job is, he ALWAYS comes home and goes straight to the shower.  While he was in the shower, I got a jar of pickles and a tub of ice cream.  I was sitting eating both when he came out of the shower.  We just both grinned at each other for the longest time.  I hope I never forget that memory.
Dos made his appearance via C-section and I thought he was the most beautiful child I ever laid eyes on.  No matter that he was wrinkled and pink and dirty with birth stuff all over him.  He was mine.  I discovered the scripture, "For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted me that I have asked of Him"  I Samuel 1:27 and that was exactly how I felt.  Becoming a mother made me feel, and still does, that it is Christmas every single day. 
Tres came into the world kicking and screaming.  She did not stop screaming until they brought her to me.  Please remember this was no quick place the baby on Momma's chest.  I have had all my children via C-section so the doc shows you the baby briefly then you have to stay and get sewn up while they take baby away to the nursery.  She screamed so loud and so long, people in the waiting room could hear her. Man she was drama and still is!  In fact, today, she cried all the way to school because she did not like the pink polka dot rain coat I just bought for her. But I love her to my very core and thank God daily for giving me one, beautiful, precious, thoughtful girl.
Now let me remind you, I thought I was well on my way to having seven kids and the tidy house and the ability to churn butter and be a perfect housewife, etc., etc., etc.  I had no clue that Numero Uno wanted to call it quits on more children.  I was grieved.  Have you had that moment yet in your marriage where you realize you and your man disagree?  I mean, really disagree?  Not on where to go for dinner or what color to paint the bathroom but on where you see your family going?  It was an "Aha" moment for me and a time to grow up.  A time to realize my elementary dreams would not be coming true and truth be told I wasn't keeping my house tidy or churning my own butter. 
Three and a half years passed and many discussions of more children came and went.  Numero Uno and I agreed on one more child somewhere between Tres' second and third birthday.  Again, my body had different plans.  I was sad again as the doctor told me all "my numbers" showed that I had PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and it would be difficult for me to become pregnant.  As God's humor would have it, I discovered I was pregnant one week before our appointment with an infertility specialist. Oh how I took the time to enjoy this last pregnancy.  And that's saying something because I'm not one of those women who "love" being pregnant.  I love the results but not the pregnancy.  But this last time I made myself enjoy it and enjoy it I did.
Quattro made his appearance shortly after Christmas and what a gift!  We purposely did not find out what we were having and as the doctor removed Quattro from my abdomen, Numero Uno got to be the one to announce, "It's a boy!"  What fun. 
This world I live in, the one of Motherhood, I would not trade for ANYTHING.  It has brought me my greatest joys and greatest sorrows.  It has forced me to grow up and it teaches me DAILY.  Daily I find myself asking God for His help, His grace, His forgiveness, His patience, His compassion, His love.  Being a mother, has made me a better person.  How can I ever express my thanks to the One who gave me this gift?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

No Time to Lose

I ran into a friend today.  Her greeting?  "Hello, Stranger!"  It has been such a long time since I've been able to talk to her...and we live in the same neighborhood!  I feel the same when it comes to this blog.  It seems like I blink and there are a few days of gaps in my blogging.

We have entered the world of Cub Scouts and let me tell you, my humor has found a lot of humor in this move.  There will be posts later:)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What is my passion?

What are you passionate about?  Did the answer come to you easily?  For me, it did not.  I'm on the chapter of "September" in The Happiness Project.  Gretchen Rubin writes, "Pursue a passion".  Yes, that sounds like a great idea.  Now...what's my passion?  What do I do?

You wanna know the truth?  The whole truth and nothing but the truth?  My first response was "watch TV".  Yep, if I have a free moment, I watch TV.  But that's NOT what I'm passionate about.  It really took me awhile to self-assess.  How sad is it that I have to think, "what am I passionate about?"  Well, let's see...I like to organize or maybe I like the thought of having everything organized; I like to plant flowers and work in the garden, or maybe I like the thought of planting flowers and working in the garden.  I quickly shot that one down because I absolutely hate being saturated in sweat for long periods of time.  Did you see a pattern, albeit brief?  I did not DO those things a lot.  Some, but not a lot. 

Then I realized, I do like to blog.  I like to read others blogs; to see how their life works and what tricks of the trade they can share.  I like the simple.  I really do.  I like to see pictures of a family with six kids and read how the mom can cook, clean, and homeschool.  It motivates me to attempt to cook, clean, and homes.. I mean do homework with my kids:)  Plus my bucket list has sported the "write a book" entry for a while now.  I guess writing is the connection. Well today I did it.  No, I didn't write a book but I got started.  And to boot, it's fiction.  I would have NEVER imagined that my first attempt would be at fiction.  I would've thought self-help but part of my problem is I get caught up in "what is the PERFECT self-help topic?" then never do a thing.  So, today I jumped in.  And my faithful companion, fear, was along for the ride shouting "what are you doing?  This is so embarrassing"  from the back seat.  But I kept on and I'll have you know I wrote over 500 words.   I mean it's no Gone with the Wind, thousand page work, but it's a start:)

What are you passionate about?  What scares you when you think of trying to pursue your passion? What motivates you to not worry about others opinion of what you want to pursue?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Back to Church

This was funny to me.  Hope you enjoy.

If you do not attend church or it's been a while, come Sunday, September 16.  If you want to try out the best church in the area, you can come to Daystar either September 15 or 16, 2012.  Services are 6:00 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Sunday. 
I am an individual who needs the support of God and my church.  And you can receive help from your local church as well as from a personal relationship with Christ.  Hope this video does the trick:)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cook Wanted

There is a running joke in my house that has been ongoing for nine years now...I can't cook.  Okay, it's truth not a joke.  Maybe a sad joke.  It seems the harder I try, the results are always the same.  Bland sometimes BAD food.  I think the culprit might be that I rush through whatever the recipe is.

I've seen Julie & Julia before and today I noticed it was on.  Of course with three kids there was no time to watch a 3 hour movie.  Seriously, 3 hours?  How many commercials are there?  I do remember the plot though, she made a new Julia Childs' recipe everyday for 365 days.  Now that got me to thinking, I so need a challenge like that but NO WHERE NEAR THAT LEVEL.  I need like a, "Cooking for Dummies" challenge.  I mean surely you would think I would get better?

I have these friends that I absolutely love and they love to cook.  I mean they have us over we talk and nibble while they unfold a beautiful feast every time.  When they come over, I serve chicken tenders.  Can you understand why we mostly go over their house for dinner?  I do have hope.  I believe I can get better.  I'm just gonna have to work really hard.  Here lately I've been trying to compile an arsenal of recipes my family absolutely loves and I can cook.  But really, how many times can you fix spaghetti?

Okay, this is where you come in.  What cookbooks or blogs or shows can I watch that can help me, the BEGINNER cook?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nothing-on-the-schedule Saturdays & Milk

I absolutely love the day and age I live in.  How else would I survive as a wife and mom without a quick reference to Pinterest or a blog?  Today for example, I am armed with the spring cleaning list from Pinterest and checked my calendar to see there is nothing on it for today.  Cleaning here I come!  (Yes, I have to pump myself up to get the task done). 
I sit here as I eat my fiesta scrambled eggs after being inspired by watching The Pioneer Woman's Frontier Fiesta show, contemplating my plan of attack on the crazy, messy house.  Am slightly nervous at the moment since Quattro just woke up 45 minutes early from his nap., I tackled my day and managed to:
1.  Change two poopy diapers along with multiple wet ones.
2.  Spend at least 10 minutes on each room of the house (including hallways).
3.  Tackle a set in grease stain and get it out!
4.  Remain calm with my kids ( I believe I owe this to turning off the TV after Pioneer Woman and not allowing my kids to veg out all day long in front of the TV).
5.  Frosted Numero Uno's cake.
6.  Cooked supper.  The supper was a flop but the act of us sitting down together and celebrating Numero Uno's birthday was my favorite part of today.  Plus, we did family game night where we put each family members name in a bowl and whomever's name is drawn out first he/she gets to pick out what game we play then we keep drawing names until every member has selected a game for the family to play.  Fun!!

Now this morning when I started this post I also wanted to talk about Dos' lactose intolerance issues but right now, I'm wanting to go to bed:)

Good Night!

About Me

My photo
I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.