Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Highly Recommended!

If you are ever in the mood (as I often am) to be surrounded by good country folk not to mention quite a few rednecks, then the Eva Frontier Days' annual hayride is THE place to be!  Loved it , loved it, loved it.  It was like a feast for the eyes.  Numero Uno wants to move out to the country and this wonderful event was a big nudge for me - I mean what's not to love?  You really don't need to be concerned with the latest fashion because the 80's perm is still highly popular in these parts.  Don't get me wrong, my intentions are not to be mean, I truly love it in this kind of environment.  There were 1300 people in attendance at last night's hayride.  Trucks, trailers, and even a semi participated in the ride.  My favorite was this Jason Aldean wanna be in a truck that was jacked up so high I could've walked right under it without bending over.  I expected him to break out in "Johnny Cash" or "My Big Green Tractor" at any moment.

The weather was nice and the kids really enjoyed the ride.  The light of the full moon led the way on the back road trails.  $4 for a family of four to enjoy a hayride, a hot dog, and a coke is money well spent.  Eva did an excellent job in putting this together.  I just hate we can't make it to Saturday's parade.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Yesterday, my little boy, Dos, turned 5.  I love him so much and can't believe how quickly time has passed.  I remember when I found out I was pregnant with him.  I laughed, cried, and praised the Lord all at the same time then I immediately went out and bought ice cream, pickles, and a copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting.  I am still laughing, crying, and praising the Lord although they come at seperate intervals now:)  Here's to you, Dos.  Happy Birthday, baby.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Little Imagination

My kids are hilarious.  A couple of evenings ago, Dos and Tres came out of the toy room decked out in an array of clothes from the Dress Up bin.  Numero Uno and I both had great fun watching them dance, play, and entertain. 
I am so blessed:)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good Sticker Day

There are quite a few things that either I do not remember people telling me about adulthood or that I simply did not listen to.  Making my list of "Things to make certain to tell those entering adulthood":
1.  Reading books to my children, praying with them, and singing a song all at bedtime is one of the greatest things I will EVER do.  Watching my children's faces as they talk, feeling their soft hands as I sing to them, simply the fact that they want me to sing to them is a biggie at this point!  Our night time routing is AWESOME!  Anyone reading this who is not yet a parent, I'm telling you  this is great - do it and you will see these few moments before sleep are the best. 
2.  Never underestimate a child's power to make you laugh!  I tell my kids often, "you are the funniest kids I know" and it's the truth.  Dos and Tres are seen here as superheroes and I really hope you can tell Tres' facial expression because it is priceless - she is in the moment! 
3.  Don't feel guilty about your career decision.  I grew up wanting seven kids and a farm.  Although I have neither, I believe at the heart of the matter I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.  Since all the kids are in school at least two days a week, people have started asking, "so what are you going to do now?"  I'm sorry, am I the only person who thinks there is still PLENTY to do at home for my family?  Not to mention all the stuff that now involves school?  For the record, I LOVE MY JOB!  I am in the rare position of being exactly where I want to be: a wife, mother, and homemaker.  Thank you God that I have this opportunity. 

So, for my title, "Good Sticker Day" - we now measure the extent of Dos' day by whether or not he received a good sticker (sun, flower, smile) or a bad sticker ( a lone red dot).  I try to convey to him that all of his character and personality is not summed up in the appearance of a sticker but I will say it does indicate what we need to praise the Lord for or work on.  My day was a good sticker day:  5 loads of laundry - washed, folded, and put away; one bill cubbie sorted and decluttered; auction e-mails sent; time spent outside with kids; and supper on the table.  Yep, it was a good sticker day:)

Sunday, September 5, 2010


What does the phrase "whole living" mean to you?  When I think of those words I automatically want to inhale deeply and slow my pace.  To be whole, to live whole.  What more could one ask for?  I think of simple things - a smile, a laugh, a warm hug from a loved one (the good kind too, the ones you instantly sink in to).  I think of natural things - water, dirt, walking through dirt or squishing my toes in mud, cutting or picking produce from my garden.  The simplicity is what draws me in. 
Now don't get me wrong, I like the finer things.  In my mind my house is one of the finer things in life.  I would never have imagined us living in such a nice home.  Also, I look forward to possessing finer things.  In Sex and the City 2 they showcase Carrie's apartment and I gotta tell you I wanted it.  I mean everything about the place exuded elegance.  I would enjoy that but would I feel refreshed, relaxed in that environment?  Are you kidding me?  Have you been around my kids?  Relaxed would not be a descriptor of me if that living room was my own. 
Instead of the elegant apartment or even the nice home I currently reside in, I long for a simple farm.  I envision myself barefoot, pregnant, sitting on a front porch swing while watching my kids play in the woods.  A garden will be close by and a shop for my husband to piddle around in.  These are the things my dreams are made of.  Funny how each person has their own unique dreams and I guess in turn their own idea of "whole living".

Saturday, September 4, 2010

In My Room

Why do I feel the need to name every blog title after a song?  Oh well, maybe it helps me remember what I want to blog about. 
I'm up because Tres came to bed with us then wet the bed.  I changed her and got her back settled in but I am left awake.  I was so looking forward to sleeping in today because we do not have to be anywhere this morning.  Maybe the kids will all come in my room and we can all sleep late together. 
I am up to my eyeballs in auction planning.  Already, I feel like this year's auction will be better than last year's.  The people that have agreed to serve on the committee are awesome.  It is extremely exciting to be working with enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and willing volunteers.  It makes all the difference in the world when you can lay out a vision and the workers just take the idea and run with it.  I am not a big fan of "hand holding" during a project.  You do your task, I'll do mine is more of my philosophy.
We're 34 days out from Disney World.  I am already praying that God will protect us all from sickness and accidents that will prevent us from traveling.  I still have quite a bit of ironing out the details plus we have about $1300 more to have raised to meet my personal goal of $5000 for this trip.  The good news is $5000 is an amount I thought would cover ALL our wants for this trip.  All of our needs have been covered: resort, dining, tickets, and airfare.  The remaining $1300 includes $400 on an existing bill but $900 would go toward extras like: tips, souviners (sp?), eating out, etc. 
Dos and Tres are doing well in school.  I will say that I am learning it is difficult being a parent and raising your children to interact appropriately with others.  When I taught, I couldn't stand the parents that thought their child could do no wrong.  Now, that I'm realizing my children are not saints (I know, I was shocked too!) it is hard to see them get in trouble but I know it will be for their good to receive correction now. 
Well, I must go back to bed!

About Me

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.