Thursday, October 4, 2012

You're All My Favorites

She was sleeping in her bed and he was sleeping in my bed.  Sometime during the night he thought my bed would be a better fit than his own.  It's no big deal.  I was the same way when I was a kid.  In fact, I would not sleep by myself until I was in the sixth grade - THE SIXTH GRADE.  (Let that sink in)  Either I would beg my older sister to let me sleep with her or I would muster the courage to cross the long, dark distance between my room and my parents.  I just knew there were Boogie Monsters lying in wait somewhere in the middle.  And on the rare occasion that I could not wiggle my way into the above mentioned rooms I would become desperate and sleep in my brother's room.  I never stayed in my brother's room for long.  He has had sleep walking and talking issues ever since I can remember and that did nothing for my already scared-of-the-dark disposition.
So when I awoke this morning and discovered Dos in bed with me, I smiled.  I crept out of the bedroom and eased the door closed so he could have a few more minutes of rest.  When it was time for the kids to get up for school, I climbed in bed by Tres and brushed her hair while singing to her, easing her into her day.  I enjoy the one on one moments with my kids.  Showing them that each one is important and special in my eyes. 
Growing up my Dad would tell me, in front of my siblings "I love you better than the other two."  Now before you gasp in horror, please know he did this to all three of us.  So much so that when he would ask one of us, "You know what?"  We would answer, "you love me better than the other two."  It was a running joke in our house and still is.  To this day I wonder,"Does he really have a favorite?"  If so, I can't tell.  He made each of us feel like we were his favorites.  A few Christmas' ago, when all our families gathered at Mom and Dad's my brother gave my father a children's book.  The book is titled, "You're All My Favorites" and we all fell in love with it.  It made us think of our childhood and our father's love. 
I want the same for my kiddos.  I want Uno to know I admire him for his courage and flexibility; his tender heart. I want Dos to know I think he's as smart as a whip.  He can go far.  I want Tres to know she's an amazing helper and is a beautiful girl inside and out.  And my Quattro, my sweet baby, I want him to know his gentle spirit is already evident and I believe in my heart he will grow to become the gentle giant his daddy is. 
What a beautiful place I live in that I have such sweet blessings that are called my children.

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.