Friday, October 12, 2012

Letting Go

I'm uncertain it will ever cease to amaze me the basic topics that find their way into so many women's days.  Fundamental issues that one would think would already have been exhausted in discussions, blogs, books, etc. and yet continue to be the feed for #1 Bestsellers or Internet chatways. 
One such subject?  Letting go of STUFF. 
I actually threw away perfectly good items from my kitchen and toy room yesterday.  I had to.  I've come to realize that if I kept everything waiting for the "just right" way to release them then I would NEVER release anything from my house.  And subsequently would have my own time slot on Hoarders: Buried Alive.
There is a paralysis that takes over me when there is too much stuff in my house.  In fact, for the last three weeks I've really been feeling at a loss as to what direction to move in with my house.  One of my flaws (and there are many) is that when I know there's a problem instead of tackling it I will read and devour any material on the subject matter that can tell me how to let go of stuff.  But to be honest with you, all the pins I had pinned and blogs I've saved shared with me what I already knew: I'm not gonna have my house organized in a day, it takes time, concentrate on one area at a time, only work 15 minutes at a time. 
So...I did.  I started in my kitchen.  Really, who needs 100 plastic bags from Wal-Mart?  And you want to know why I have said bags?  Because normally for my main grocery trips I use my reusable cloth bags but when I'm running in and out of Wal-Mart I forget them.  Therefore, I feel GUILTY about having these plastic bags and vow to myself that I will reuse them and thus not be the downfall of all mankind.  LET IT GO.  I threw half of them away yesterday and you know what?  I breathe easier when there's less stuff in my house.  I literally breathe easier.  With the bags chunked, I moved on to the appliances that sit in my cabinet not being used.  In the past I would set such items out in a bag or box waiting to be taken to the local charity organization.  But that's just it - they set around waiting and piling up and collecting dust.  Now I do have good times of getting my act together and making the donations but many times these items just sit collectively somewhere in the house creating "moved clutter". I can not take it anymore.  Did I feel guilty throwing the appliances in the trash can?  Yes, but for my sanity, I needed to simply LET them GO. 
I moved on to the toy room which now that I think about it, the kitchen and the toy room are my two rooms I have the most problem with.  I only spent 15 minutes in the toy room so it does not look drastically different but I did finally throw away a doll that Tres has not played with in I don't know how long.  Did I feel guilty?  Of course, but once the deed was done I thought to myself, "why did I hang on to that thing for so long?"
Tomorrow's Saturday and I'm looking forward to sleeping late but also I'm looking forward to clearing out some more stuff:)

Oh, and by the way...Tres received the Golden Apple from her school today.  "An achievement in excellence."  Way to go, girl!

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.