Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Gentleness. Who needs it?

Well the answer would be: me.  I need it.  Do you ever watch the Duggars?  If you've read my blog any at all you know I do.  I'm always impressed with how calm Michelle Duggar always seems.  Children have been one of my greatest blessings but at the same time they are the quickest means of pushing my buttons.  I had no clue I even had a quick temper until kids arrived on the scene.  Remember Jon and Kate plus 8?  (Another show that I loved)  People gave Kate a bad rap (including my husband) but I don't know.  I kept thinking "what in the world would people think if a camera followed me around all day watching my every move with my kids?"  I still think Kate did the best she could.  I mean 8 kids.  Come on! 
Okay, back to gentleness.  This attribute is one I am working to cultivate in me and my kids.  I'm telling you it takes work for me.  And I love my kids!  It's not that I run around angry all the time.  I just find that I tend to get stressed out when things don't go as planned (which is everyday).  I know I've mentioned it before but I'll mention it again, iMom has been a great tool for me here lately.  The Espresso Minute has given me quick pointers on areas to improve in my home.  One little article asked how am I being gentle to others? my children? my pets?  I did get tickled and frustrated over the last one because I have a true love/hate relationship with our little dog.  And for the life of me when I think about this little dog I don't know why she gets under my skin so.  She's a great dog! 
The point is my children see how I treat the dog, how I treat others, and even how I treat them.  My example of gentleness will guide them in gentleness. 
So, what are my pointers? 
1.  I'm focusing on the scripture that says "a gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger".
2.  I'm looking at what needs to be done, estimating a time to complete it then tripling that time in order to accommodate the unplanned events that pop up in a family of six (planning will cut down on my stress which will cut down on my harsh reactions).
3.  I'm trying to put myself in my kids' shoes.  Not to excuse unwanted behavior but to identify where they're coming from in order to help me know how to respond. 
Has it worked?  Well, prayer is always important.  Anyone who knows me knows that my mistakes are usually pretty public and that is with a lot of prayer!  But I take heart in thinking, "what would I be like without God and prayer?"  Scary thought!  I would say the "tripling your time expectations" has been a big help.  For example, last night, I had everything planned out that needed to be done.  I gave myself triple the time I thought it would take.  I was getting things done beautifully when I got a call from my man that he had a hole in his oil pan and I needed to come pick him up.  Instead of getting angry for the change of plans, I was able to roll with the punches.  Yay! 
I desire gentleness because I want my children to be receptive to my input not shy away from it.  Plus I want kids that are gentle with others.  Like I said, I'm impressed with Michelle Duggar:)

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.