Sunday, May 30, 2010

Gotta Have Faith, a Faith a Faith...

Sing with me now!  So faith is definitely what I need right now if we're going to be going to Disney this year or if we are going to sell our house this year.  Faith, which dispells fear, is what I need.  How do I get it?  I am going to speak the positive and dive into God's Word.  I need to believe the positive not just for these things I want but for the fact that I want my children to know that I believe that God is interested in the things that interests me and that He enjoys being involved in our lives.

I'm in the process of creating a summer schedule for me and the kids.  Cullman has got some great summer activities planned and I hope to take advantage of them.  Right now I'm working on a Summer-Fun-on-a-Budget List.  We'll see what happens.

It was just me and Tres this evening. Uno is at his mom's and Dos spent the night with cousins.  So me and Little Miss had some fun just the two of us.  She is so amazing.  Her little face just lights up when she talks and she gets so into her topics of conversation.  She is very exact and intent on whatever task she is involved with.  Tonight she instructed me as to which marker was to be used during coloring time and while I was on the phone with a friend, I watched her take care of her baby doll.  She meticulously changed and re-changed the baby's diaper then loaded her diaper bag to take her "baby" shopping. 

Dos has started using the word hate and I dislike it.  Today he told a cousin he hated him.  I am trying to explain to him why we shouldn't use that word.  And with all of my children I am trying my best to explain why they should obey without guilting them into it.  I am finding that more often then not I am trying to turn them to the truth of we must fall on the grace and help of Christ to obey.  I think shock, shame, and guilt were used on me as a child and I don't think it worked.  All I ended up with was a guilt complex about everything it seems.  Not that one should not feel guilty for wrong doing. Guilt has its place.  But if all I do is react with shock and disgust at the sin in my children's hearts then that alone will not turn them to God.  I believe they will be left wondering "What is wrong with me?". 

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.