Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hey, What if We go...

Can not believe I forgot to share my family's spontaneous trip! Last week my man was off work and he was helping me make the bed. We were talking about how great it would be to take a trip somewhere since the weather is so BLAH here. At that moment we decided we would head up to Chattanooga! It was awesome! We threw some clothes in a bag and headed out the door. I loved it:) And where did we go you might ask?

The Tennessee Aquarium of course! We found a great and super cheap hotel in Ft. Oglethorpe, GA (a town I had never heard of but it is only 8.6 miles from the aquarium). The whole experience was just what we needed. We went on a Tuesday and no one was at the aquarium so the kids could run wild and it didn't matter.

Would love to show more pictures of our trip but for some reason I can not figure out how to place my pics exactly where I want them on this page and it is driving me crazy. One would think that I would be able to edit my blog the way I want it but NO I have been trying for 20 minutes now to move pics and it simply is not working.
On to the important stuff. Dos and Tres absolutely loved the hotel. They are now the age where they can really enjoy a new environment. Plus this was the only place where I allowed jumping on the bed. It was a real treat!
For the aquarium we all loved it because of so few visitors the workers really took the time to talk to us about the exhibits and the kiddies even got to pet a Sable rabbit. Not sure why the rabbit was in the aquarium but since this place also houses birds, snakes, and butterflies I guess the more the merrier:) When the kids started whining we simply loaded up and went home and they slept on the way back.
I completely enjoyed this trip and hope that we will continue to do drop-of-the-hat type of activities.

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.