Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Can Not Sing

I can not sing.  However, since my babies came along, I sing to them.  I think I started singing to them right before I put them to bed in their crib then prayed with them.  A cousin of mine gave me a book titled, "365 Things Every New Mom Should Know" and in it it recommended praying with your infant to get him/her into a bedtime routine.  For some reason I added in singing to them before we prayed together.  Maybe it was because holding such a sweet, tender precious being evoked emotions that seemed to come out in song.  I sang, "You are my Sunshine" and "Baby Mine".
Nowadays, after devotions, Dos and Tres climb into their beds then I lay by one and ask, "What song?" then I sing the request then move to the next bed, "What's your song?"
Over the years I have sang a variety of songs, a VBS song, the Mickey Mouse song, hymns.  Now it's typically "Away in a Manger" for Dos and "Jesus Loves Me" for Tres.  But when I want to tell them I love them and that no one else means the same to me like they do, I always go back to the old faithfuls, the standbys, "You are My Sunshine" and "Baby Mine". 

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.