Oh, I love Fall. I love the weather, the leaves, the smells (like leaves burning or hay from a hay ride). Tonight we got the pleasure of going to Daystar's Fall Festival. It was such a good time for the family:) Probably what was very enjoyable to me is this is the first year in a long time where Numero Uno and I were able to do a church function without being involved in the production of it. Please do not get me wrong - I firmly believe that every part of the body of Christ has a role to play in service; however, in this time in my life I believe God has me in a growing and receiving encouragement role. The People Pleaser in me feels like I need to justify my actions but I'm not. I know where God has me and I'm not going any further in that. I will say as a side note that He is revealing to me that I am way too judgemental of others and I am working on acceptance of everyone and everyone's need for a Savior. There is a song I don't know the name to it but the words make me tear up every time..."Your name is Jesus, Your name is Jesus. Your the Wonderful, Counselor, my Friend. ... I know You have brought me through all the days of loss to the cross, You knew, oh You knew, I need a Savior" How true! I need a Savior.
Okay, that was a big tangent. Uno was not with us since he was at his mom's house but Dos and Tres had a fun time. We all took our time, let the kids pick out which rides they wanted to go on and they completely enjoyed themselves. Tres only rode the cars and the carousel but Dos was more adventursome. Although he did climb back down the slide ladder after realizing the height of the slide:)
I would say the doozy ride for me was the Orbiter which I had to ride on with Dos. Too bad Numero Uno didn't get to appreciate the full effects of the Orbiter. Tres experienced a sugar high halfway through the evening. Finally we put a stop to the candy consumption and they packed the rest up in their plastic pumpkins.
On my list for the rest of the week? A lot of fall functions. Tomorrow is the Pumpkin Party for little miss at MOMS group then in the afternoon I have to go up to the school for Auction work. Tomorrow evening we're
having some of our good friends over for a grill ou
t (or in depending on the weather). Friday brings the Fall Carnival at Dos' school and Saturday we have grandparent visits, trick-or-treating the neighborhood, hay rides and a bon fire to cap off the night. To say the least we will be busy and you know what? I'm lovin' it!
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