Monday, December 14, 2009
Not Me Monday
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Green Acres IS THE Place for Me!
Now, if all of this sounds good then why isn't it happening? We have had our house up for sale for nine months no takers. It seems like me and my man have the same ideas (except for the seven kids - still workin' on him:) but this mortgage is killing us. Did we bite off more than we can chew? Heck yeah! but we've learned the lesson now can we move on?
I read last night in Haggai, (yes, a random Old Testament book which I am reading Old Testament books at the pleading of a friend whom assures me I can get to know the loving character of my God by reading them) this, "Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? this is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you! You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes! (emphasis added)
So, is this simply because of the economic times my house is delaying sale or is it because me and my man are not currently tithing due to our lack of money? Don't get me wrong, we are surviving where we are and I am enjoying it also. But our dreams are elsewhere. Are they being delayed due to our lack of giving the first fruits? or is it a time where time and patience will sale the house and we will move on?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hey, What if We go...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Nothing New Under the Sun
I had an English teacher who use to say "there is nothing new under the sun" and tonight however depressing it may seem for me, there is nothing new under the sun. Here I am again - overweight, in a time of extreme productivity which means I can not calm down to sleep which will eventually lead to me dropping the ball somewhere then getting behind to attempt to try and catch up with my list and be productive. Is there no happy medium?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh, What Fun It Is To Ride...
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Get Ready, Get Set,...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Today is the Day!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Here Comes that Rainy Day Feeling Again.
So, what brought this on? I am SO glad you asked. Last week I thought I would be proactive about the upcoming holidays since being proactive is one of the Seven Steps of Highly Effective people. My brother lives out of state and my sister's in-laws live out of state so my family (mom, dad,& siblings) rotate when and where we spend holidays. In trying to accommodate the traveling brother who would come to Alabama in November then have to come back in January to celebrate Christmas with us I tried to come up with a happy medium. You know what? The whole family agreed to meet him in Memphis. I text him to tell him the good news and guess what? He backs out saying he can't have anybody resenting him so they're traveling. I look at it as he's rejecting a good thing PLUS he's playing the martyr.
My whole family also has decided to go to Disney next year and since this will be a BIG expense we had mentioned that we would not buy gifts but put money toward the trip. Well who do you suppose does not like that idea? My brother. So finally I told my sis who seems to be the one getting the full truth of how my brother feels about my plans, "Fine, just tell me when and where to show up". Then she tells me I'm being a "butt". So, am I? Am I being ridiculous when I was only trying to plan good things for a smooth sailing holiday time? Well that idea is already shot right out of the gate since in the preparations we're all annoyed with each other . My brother and sis make the point they just want to sit around on the holidays and not do really any activities together. You know what my ideas were? For the kids to make crafts and the family to do a service project. No those ideas I guess will rock the boat too much. Yes, I guess my sis is right. I DO like to plan out what we will do. The idea of 17 people sitting around one house with nothing to do does not appeal to me for how I want to spend my Christmas.
How can I put their needs first? I mean isn't that what I am supposed to do? Does that mean I sit and engage them in conversation since there is nothing else going on? I guess I can do what my brother's idea is and go to a movie which by the way is another added expense. I mean is no one else bothered with the cost of a family of five going to the movies these days?
Like I said, I'm frustrated, annoyed, and mad. Lord, what is the right way to handle this? Because right now I know how the holidays will play out - my brother and sis making fun of me saying "Remember when [me] tried to get our kids to make crafts for Christmas?"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Love Fall!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Shhh...Did you hear something?
We partied Saturday night at Granny and Pawpaw's. The boys ages ranged from 6 to 10 (not including Dos who got to tag along for a short time) and surprisingly they all got along great. Uno got to pick his guest list and thankfully each one was able to come. I picked up the cake which was a hunting theme as requested, got the burgers and dawgs that were grilled, wrapped all the presents that came from us and grandparents, and yet I still forgot to take pictures of the cake. This is what I have.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I Simply Remember My Favorite Things...
Or I think of my lovely boy who is completely intrigued with a Spiderman puzzle he got for his birthday and has literally spent everyday putting it together then tearing it up and reassembling it. He is so proud of himself and honestly I am proud of him for the way he sticks with it. It is a challenging puzzle for his age.
This is what I get to enjoy daily and enjoy I do. Also, one of my favorite things is a wonderful fall day which was today! As I stated earlier, we had two different showings today so we were out of the house from 12:00 to 4:00. We picked up McDonald's and went to Sportsman's Lake Park. If you ever come to Cullman, please check this park out. We greatly enjoy it. It is not real fancy but the scenery is beautiful especially on a fall day.
We had a picnic at one of the picnic tables. Miss Maybelle was able to go with us since we could not leave her at the house for the showing. After the picnic, we took a walk half way around the lake (because last time we realized Dos and Tres could not handle the distance), played on the playground, walked to the duck pier, and finally carved a Jack-O-Lantern out of a pumpkin we purchased from Wal-Mart earlier in the day. Which if you had the chance to hear Dos you would know that we carved a "Jack-a-Lacker" today:)
Yes, even when tempers flare or there are momentary upsets, a few of my favorite things put it all back into perspective.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
How to Draw a Crowd
Any ideas? I'm open to suggestions. Preferably in a "Step 1,2,3" format:)
Monday, October 19, 2009
So, as I always do, I will piggyback on this great idea and let you in on a really great day I had with my kids. I woke up today with a feeling that I was going to accomplish my "list" for the day and pretty much I did with wonderful extras. I was able to get my morning routine accomplished without a hitch (bed made, laundry washed, dishes unloaded). Me and the kiddies enjoyed breakfast together with Tres' hair looking too cute cause I gave her a haircut last night.
Since me and Numero Uno have been Dave Ramseyin' it, I have actually had some cash to spend on myself. So I loaded my babies up and we went to Wal-Mart where count em' - I got TWO bottles of scented hand soap. You so have got to know the tight wad in me that never buys anything nice. This was a treat!
After Wal-Mart we went to Sportsman's Lake park where I had every intention of bringing my camera but of course forgot. The weather was perfect. Tres had her hat on that has points on it to look like a crown. And Dos made friends with every single kid on the playground. It was a lot of fun and I actually ran around and played with them. We laughed and swung and ran and slid and seesawed and fed the ducks. While feeding the ducks and geese old bread, I look over at Dos and he is EATING the old bread. Days like today are awesome little windows of Heaven. One thing I would like to replay over and over after my kids have grown is their laughter!
This afternoon we all got to load up and see Granny and Pawpaw. Once we left their house, Numero Uno, myself, and the kiddies went to Sweet Peppers where kids eat for 50 cents on Monday nights - yeah!!
Dos is looking more and more like a little man. Sissy is nothing but a big mess. Her smile can cover "a multitude of sins".
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I think I will have to wait back and hear from my Auction Team and the school secretary on Numbers 1 and 2. So I will tackle Number 3 first thing:)
Lord, please let this auction be a success.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Am I a Closet Homeschooler?
We also listed out ways to care for our pets (the pic to the left) and then played a matching game of dog pics. The great thing about the matching game is that I laminated the paper and allowed the kids to mark on it with an Expo marker so that once we were finished matching they could erase and start all over again. I tried to do the Dog Lotto game; however, my game board was too flimsy and did not withstand my kids' tugging:)
Bible time today focused on Noah and the Ark which was great because we got to talk about animals some more! We also used this time to incorporate math by counting the animals. I have A Beka 3 year old curriculum for math, art, and letters. Although I am just starting to use it and may change my mind - I'm not real impressed with the math lessons. They seem to lack creativity. Back to the Bible lesson....we made an Ark, colored it, and loaded it with all of our stuffed animals. I also had a picture book which told the story of Noah and we read it together. I am amazed at how much Tres is picking up just by sitting with her big brother.
I have no clue what the future holds for my kids. I would never have considered home schooling but now I wonder what will be. If all I do as far as homeschooling is this, then I'm fine with that. I like only having to be responsible for "lessons" a couple of times a week. But in my mind, I would love to have more children and enjoy the thrill of leading them in school lessons. And if they go to school for their education, that will be fine as well since I am already completely busy with Dos' preschool.Thursday, September 10, 2009
It has not been helpful that me and Tres have been sick for the first half of the week. Also, Numero Uno's direct deposit was messed up and his company in order to correct the error had to take the entire paycheck out of our account and will not be able to reimburse us til Monday. Aaahh! and Dos has decided today is not a good day to take a nap even though I was SO looking forward to nap time since I only got two hours sleep last night. Oh well, I guess we will all have an early bedtime tonight:)
There are friends of mine that are extremely detailed in their planning and I am very impressed with their work. One of my friends is the leader of our prayer group. She takes the time each week to type out each girl's prayer request on cute stationary in cute font and delivers it each week. Now, me? I'm the girl that is the visionary not the detailist. You would think I would be since I have such a love for lists. I mean, there is no piece of art more beautiful to me than a well laid out monthly calendar hanging for all the family to see:) Okay, slight exaggeration, but I do love a well planned calendar. So, what's my solution? I'm going to contact my detailed friend and set up a meeting time that she can help me detail out this Auction. Yeah!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Dos and Tres are playing with their Power Rangers and Barbies on the back porch. I got both groups of toys at the Cullman Kids' Mart. In fact, most of the kids' stuff comes from the kids' consignment sales. My favorite one is Wee Swap ( which is an upscale resale group.
Uno gets his first progress report today and I'm curious to see how he did.
Numero Uno and I are going to watch the Alabama game at his sister's house tomorrow night without children! I could care less about seeing the game, it's the idea that he and I will have a somewhat date night that I'm looking forward to.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Already Busy !?!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Another Day
I have been raised Baptist my whole life so in beginning to visit this church my guard was way up. I still have my guard up a little because I want to make certain this is the church my family and I are supposed to be at. I will say that during church service today, Numero Uno, participated the most I've ever seen him participate in a church service. This church seems amazing and a source of hope for me right now. We had one more church on my "list" to visit but we feel so comfortable here that I think we'll stay for now.
I am so tired right now and yet there is still a list of To Do's:
1. Fold Laundry
2. Put up laundry
3. Cook supper.
4. Bathe kids.
5. Continue to cut out letter and number cards for the K3 class.
6. Plan out Tuesday's Volunteer Kick-Off party (did I mention I'm heading up a Holiday Auction for Cullman Christian School?)
I am getting my second round of squash and zucchini coming in. I still have tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, watermelons, and green beans making. In my next garden, I don't believe I will plant as many cucumbers as I did this year.
Since Numero Uno is taking Uno back to his mother, me and Dos and Tres are chillin' out here at the house. I love Sunday afternoons. Now, if I can only find the motivation to complete today's list:)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Here is Dos after a day of school. He is so tired but in a good way. He was able to tell me about all he did today including drawing a "beautiful picture for Mama".
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The List Maker
About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.