Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I have been looking forward to this post since November.  But honestly it has taken this long to formulate my very own B-SHAGs. This past November, my pastor shared with the church the B-SHAGs he had for the upcoming year.  Might I add, very wise of him to do this in November since December brings chaos for families everywhere with the holiday season. What is a B-SHAG?  A Big Hairy, Scary, Audacious Goal.  Listening to the vision he had for our congregation was awe inspiring yet left me bewildered.  What were my Big Hairy, Scary, Audacious Goals?  I drew a blank.  I had nothing to challenge me.  Had I gone so long of not setting any goals that I had a blank slate staring back at me for aspirations?  Now, I am old enough to realize there seasons of life.  Seasons of growth and seasons of pruning; seasons of change and seasons of stagnate life.  I would say 2011 and 2012 were changes and prunings which sometimes felt like a cutting knife to my heart.  I set no goals save maybe the one of survival.
I love the scripture that is a warning and yet beautiful that says, "where there is no vision, the people perish."  Without your eye on the prize, what will you achieve?  What work is to be done?  If I have the ability, why not do it?  In these questions there is hope and desire and excitement - traits missing from my repertoire of emotions here lately. 
So, it took me some time.  I asked questions of  my friends ( I love asking questions, it's an annoyance to most, but I really want to learn).  Some of my friends gave careful thoughts to their plans for 2013 and others vowed to make no goals.  I did get tickled at how we all label our ideals: "goals, love lists, plans, ideas".  Each person seems to give the resolutions a different name but I think we want the same in the end: success, productivity, growth, change.
Well, what are mine?  What did I consider BIG? That without God's help I'm doomed to fail?  The good news about humans is that each of us, each of us, are at different levels.  What is minuscule to one is insurmountable to another.  Here is my list of B-SHAGs as well as some of my "ideas" for this new year:

1. I will lose 45 pounds.
2. I will complete a 5k and a 10k with my "success" run being at the Shrimpfest down at the Gulf.
3.  We will get out of debt.
4.  I will "coupon" our way to our 10th anniversary trip.
5.  We will sell our house.

1.  Read more.
2.  Speak less, listen more.
3.  Play pretend with my daughter.
4.  Say, "yes" to my kids as much as I can, and a firm, "no" when necessary.
5.  Complete acts of service.
6.  Take a road trip with my BFF.
7.  Set up at least 6 play dates for my kids throughout the year.
8.  Give.
9.  Love more.
10.  Forgive A LOT more.
11.  Use reusable bags when going to the grocery store.
12.  Sew curtains for the living room.
13.  Markedly declutter my home.
14.  Plan get togethers with other couples that both my husband and I enjoy spending time with.
15.  Blog weekly.
16.  Clean the baseboards of my house.
17.  Leave my house by 7:30 each morning so my kids will arrive at school on time.

As far as tracking my progress, I believe this blog will be my best source of support and consistency. 
What are your New Year resolutions?  What do you want to change or improve?  What's your plan of action?  Do you have any B-SHAGs?

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.