Well I've decided to list out my favorite things - what I get the most use out of, what benefits me daily or almost daily. Now, I did not include really extreme things because I wanted to stick to what I know. As much as I would like to list a set of Louis Vuitton luggage, I've never even touched a piece of it so how would I know how awesome it is?
My Favorite Things:
1. Daystar Church. Okay, so I can't wrap this baby up and give it as a present but I'm here to tell you this place is AWESOME!! Honestly, when I first heard of this church I thought it was too good to be true but three years later, I'm still impressed. God is using this place to shape my family's future.

2. Keurig coffee maker. Numero Uno is a really great gifter and if I wasn't in charge of balancing the checkbook, sometimes I think he would bring home a lot more gifts. He gave me a Keurig last Christmas and I really enjoy it. With our old coffeemaker, I would typically pour out coffee everyday. With the Keurig, I just pop a k-cup in and in a minute my coffee is ready to go. I love the variety of flavors I can put in it. And I'm a one-cupper. I'm not the type to need 3 cups to get going and then sip some more throughout the day. One will do but now that I'm talking about it, I could really go for a cup of coffee. Although I am not a fan of the cost of the k-cups, I will look for sales on them. Plus we purchased the attachment that will let you pour in your own coffee out of a bag.
3. Zip List. This is an app - a FREE app and I love it. It allows you to add in your grocery items as you think of them, wherever you are. I am so random in my thoughts that I can not live without a list. As I go around the house or even when I'm out in town and think of what I will need to purchase on my next shopping trip, I can just add them to Zip List. It has a little box by each listed item that once I've put it in my grocery cart, I can hit the box and it will send the item to my "shopping cart". At the end of my trip, I can "empty" my cart. This app has been a big help for when I use the last of something in the house, I just grab my phone and use Siri to add that item to my Zip List.
4. iPhone 4S. I mean this should be enough said. I knew these phones were great, I mean, its Apple but boy, have I loved this phone. It makes my life as a stay-at-home mom so much easier. I can only imagine what it does for the business woman.
5. Nutella. My sister-in-law is what I would call "exquisite". She has fascinated me from the moment I met her. Wanna know why? Because she's everything I'm not: delicate, cultured, civilized, proper, fashion-forward. What did she bring to my world that I did not know? A lot but her most memorable one - Nutella. Now today this is no big deal but you must realize this was introduced to me before Wal-Mart carried it. It was a rare fine. Like manna from Heaven! Oh, Nutella. Now I want some of that as well.
6. The Pioneer Woman. It was probably my BFF that told me about Pioneer Woman. I honestly can't remember but since most of my great ideas come from her, I'm gonna go ahead and give her credit. What's not to love about the Pioneer Woman?
7. Chambray top. Really I just wanted to use the word chambray. Say it again, chambray. Don't you feel that much more sophisticated? Know what it means? Denim. We have come up with a fancy name for DENIM! Ha! Well, I love my top. It is so comfortable and looks instantly cute with leggings and boots. Gotta love the classics. I would consider denim a classic. I mean, it's been around forever.
8. Pinterest. Seriously. You had to of known it was coming. Pinterest is amazing, addictive, awesome. Any more "a" words I can add? I've probably enjoyed the most the fact that it has made ideas attainable to me. Things I never would have thought I could do, I've done and it's been a rather simple process.
9. Dave Ramsey. Okay, so Dave is not a "thing". But he's one of my favorites. I'm such a groupie. He is inspirational and I love his plans. If I make it to be a millionaire in 15 years then he's REALLY gonna be one of my favorites. Right now I'm just hoping to be one of his $10,000 Merry Different Christmas winners:)
10. IWBNIN app. I Was Broke Now I'm Not app. Here is another FREE app that I love. It has a lot of different financial tools that I like to play around with. It's neat to dream of the financial future:)
After only listing 10 favorite things, I can now see why Oprah hires out people to be looking for her new favorite things;)
What are your favorites? What can you not live without? Or what makes your life easier? Fuller? More fun? Are you giving any of your favorites as gifts this year?
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