Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Lazy Sunday & 90's Rock Bands

Dos and Tres are recovering from strep throat.  Thank goodness they got it a week and a half before school starts so we can have it over with before then.  We spent this beautiful day together as a family just doing whatever we felt like and I loved it!  The weather has me in such a great mood.  Fall is my favorite time of year and for the past two days there has been a hint of fall in the air.

Numero Uno's parents fixed us lunch.  My father-in-law recently had his land logged so we rode the Gator over the property viewing the change in the landscape.  Afterwards we gave Maybelle a haircut.  Boy, did she need it!  I can't get over how quickly that dog's hair grows. 

I even managed to read some of a book today, change the sheets on my bed, and paint my pantry door.  Now, the door I'm very excited about but not ready to show just yet.  I still need to distress it a little bit before I break out the camera. 

To cap the day off, we spent the evening outside roasting hot dogs on the open fire and sitting at our picnic table listening to 90's hair bands.  (Mr. Big, Jeff Healey Band, Poison)  What more could you ask for in a Sunday?

Okay, I'm rereading this post and it cracks me up how matter-of-fact I am.  I feel like a "get to the point" kind of gal.  How do I put into words the peace and happiness I felt today?  How do I describe how many times today I was able to reach over and hold my man's hand or hug one of my kids or dance with my baby?  How do I describe the excitement I felt over the changing of the seasons as the wind blew through my hair in the backyard? 

This was a good day.  I wish you the same perfect kind of day:)

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.