I have had conversations in my mind regarding this topic for at least a week now. I'm curious to know others' perception of this word - failure.
As funny as it may sound, I heard something that resonated with me from none other than Jay-Z. Yes, you know he and I go way back to when he was just Jay. Kidding, kidding. I really did get this from Jay-Z though. He was being interviewed by Oprah and yes, I do think she is a phenomenal woman. Very impressive lady. He said that he learned more from failure than success. And for some reason that statement struck me.
To learn more from failure than success? Personally, I've viewed some of my failures as areas that need to be hidden behind a mask or swept under a rug or simply ignored. I'm uncertain if I've ever taken them out, examined them as a coroner would a body for autopsy. "The cause of death for this particular project is..." Never done it. I get the sense that fear propelled me forward. "Don't look back", "keep going", "fake it til you make it".
So receiving my words of wisdom from Jay-Z I examined my latest "failure" or what I interpreted as a failure to see what I could learn from it. What did I learn from it?
I think I learned that my failure moved me into an arena of life that is better suited for me but I was too afraid to make that move. I believe the failure showed me I need to exchange some "I can do that"s for some "let me improve what already exists". Also, I feel like I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm still okay and still a good person even if I have failed. I will not wither up and die because my plans did not turn out the way I had hoped.
So, let me have it... how do you handle failure? What is it's meaning to you?
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Make Room for Baby
Yes, Quattro is eight months old today. And yes, I still do not have his nursery completely decorated. It's a work in progress. A slow, slow, work in progress. We didn't find out what we were having so I first had to pick a color. I chose a soft green that was labeled "Rainforest..." something I forget the rest. Then my man put up whatever bedding he liked which happened to be the boy bedding we had and lo and behold, we had a boy. My decor was kinda hit and miss. I mean I had a good foundation but it's the details that needed to be addressed. Finally, I'm getting to it:) I feel like there are two more things I would like to do that would be the final touches. 1. Buy a blue rug since there are blue accent pieces and 2. Create some more paper towel roll wall art as a kind of mural for the room.
This last week I added (and by me I mean, Numero Uno) paper lanterns above the crib which create a beautiful and delicate focal point. Then Sunday we collaborated to create a wall hanging made from an old pallet.
My dad had an OLD pallet at his farm that was sitting in the burn pile. After I ask him if I could have it, he sweetly pulled the boards apart for me. Of course with my new love for Pinterest I found some amazing ways to upcycle pallets. I painted and Numero Uno hung the finished product. I think it turned out well and looks great against the green wall. I simply used paint that we had stored in the garage from other household projects. To complete this project was very encouraging to me since it was OH SO SIMPLE. What do you think of the finished product?
It might look better in the daylight:) I shot this photo while Quattro was asleep.
Now I need to go back over my pins and see what other projects I can do. Really, I would like to do another wall hanging in the living room since I have some more boards left.
What projects have you done around your house lately? What inspires you?
This last week I added (and by me I mean, Numero Uno) paper lanterns above the crib which create a beautiful and delicate focal point. Then Sunday we collaborated to create a wall hanging made from an old pallet.
My dad had an OLD pallet at his farm that was sitting in the burn pile. After I ask him if I could have it, he sweetly pulled the boards apart for me. Of course with my new love for Pinterest I found some amazing ways to upcycle pallets. I painted and Numero Uno hung the finished product. I think it turned out well and looks great against the green wall. I simply used paint that we had stored in the garage from other household projects. To complete this project was very encouraging to me since it was OH SO SIMPLE. What do you think of the finished product?
It might look better in the daylight:) I shot this photo while Quattro was asleep.
Now I need to go back over my pins and see what other projects I can do. Really, I would like to do another wall hanging in the living room since I have some more boards left.
What projects have you done around your house lately? What inspires you?
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Who knew the first week of school would be this crazy? I certainly did not. I've kinda dropped off the grid for a few days but maybe now I'm back on track. But we made it through and the kids had a fantastic first week of school. It was nonstop and tiring to me but I enjoyed it. I guess having three kids to get ready to go each morning was a little more than I anticipated. I mean last year I had three but Uno was self-sufficient. Now that he is back residing primarily with his mom, I still have three kids but now the third is an eight month old. There's a difference:) I've planned it to where I get up and get all that I need to accomplish to get Dos and Tres ready first then I feed Quattro before we all load up and go to school. Besides having the baby to deal with, traffic is a big new issue for me. I'm used to CCS where you leave your house, drop kids off, and be home all within 10 to 12 minutes. Not so at CCPS. About 45 minutes round trip in the mornings and 45 minutes round trip in the afternoons. Big difference.
The kids love school. Dos thinks the lunchroom is awesome and the recess time, while Tres adores her teacher and loves nap time. I think the reason she loves nap time is because adjusting to doing real work instead of preschool work has been a little hard for her this week. She told me the school day was longer here than at her old school:)
In addition to the first week of school, we've had some big things happen around our house. Wee Swap was of course this week and I worked that and shopped the sale. We had violin and dance this week. PLUS, Tres had a big week - first week of kindergarten, she asked Jesus to come into her heart(!) (she said she had been "mean":)), she learned to tie her shoes, and she learned to ride her bike without her training wheels! My little girl is growing up:( Now I could get in a long discussion regarding salvation at an early age and does it really count? Yada, yada, yada. In a nutshell, I believe that when God starts a good work in a heart (Tres'), He will be faithful to complete it.
I'm not sure if it is the new school year or having the older kids out of the house for a few hours but I've been busy as well this week. Numero Uno and I moved the desk that was in the laundry room to our master bedroom. When we built the house five years ago, I had in mind a work station that would help me direct the home. However, I did not take into account how small the laundry room is and how much smaller it felt with a desk in it. I will post pics later of the changed laundry room but here is the desk in our master. I'm really excited because it already feels more spacious and inviting. Also, we added some pallet boards as a frame and painted chalkboard paint on one side to make it look fun. I love it!
The kids love school. Dos thinks the lunchroom is awesome and the recess time, while Tres adores her teacher and loves nap time. I think the reason she loves nap time is because adjusting to doing real work instead of preschool work has been a little hard for her this week. She told me the school day was longer here than at her old school:)
In addition to the first week of school, we've had some big things happen around our house. Wee Swap was of course this week and I worked that and shopped the sale. We had violin and dance this week. PLUS, Tres had a big week - first week of kindergarten, she asked Jesus to come into her heart(!) (she said she had been "mean":)), she learned to tie her shoes, and she learned to ride her bike without her training wheels! My little girl is growing up:( Now I could get in a long discussion regarding salvation at an early age and does it really count? Yada, yada, yada. In a nutshell, I believe that when God starts a good work in a heart (Tres'), He will be faithful to complete it.
I'm not sure if it is the new school year or having the older kids out of the house for a few hours but I've been busy as well this week. Numero Uno and I moved the desk that was in the laundry room to our master bedroom. When we built the house five years ago, I had in mind a work station that would help me direct the home. However, I did not take into account how small the laundry room is and how much smaller it felt with a desk in it. I will post pics later of the changed laundry room but here is the desk in our master. I'm really excited because it already feels more spacious and inviting. Also, we added some pallet boards as a frame and painted chalkboard paint on one side to make it look fun. I love it!
I've been working hard to make good lunches and snacks for the kiddos. I've added some fun notes in their lunches and I really enjoy hearing them talk about them when I pick them up. It was so sweet this past week when Dos said, "thank you Mommy for my note."
I would still really love to own a couple of the Planet boxes from Pottery Barn but I'm so not going to pay full price for them. Maybe I'll hit a deal somewhere.
I also picked up some contact paper from TJ Maxx to put in my kitchen drawers. After five years, I've decided to add some paper to my drawers. I chose the blue clover design and have already been searching Pinterest to see what other crafts can be done with this fun paper. Shout out to my BFF for helping me make the selection:)
Numero Uno and I also worked on a pallet project I found for the baby's room but that will wait for another post:)
Good night and have a wonderful Monday everyone!
Monday, August 20, 2012
Oh the Places You will Go!
My babies are off to school. A new place and they seemed just fine when I left them. No clinging to me or weeping that I am not by their side. No, perfectly content to find their seat with their name neatly printed at the top. Is this a sign that I am a good mother and have raised well rounded children or simply the fact their thrilled to be free of me for a few hours? I'm gonna go with the first guess.
Dos is becoming such a young man that I'm not sure I'm keeping up with his changes and growth. I can look at him and see my baby is leaving and a young man is taking his place. He is thinking more and more on his own and deciding what he likes and doesn't like. I worry that I'm losing a connection with him and have to remind myself to listen to him and not force my will upon him. He's so in his own world most of the time but I still pick up on a sensitive spirit from time to time. How will he handle this new school? What will he learn? Will his teacher challenge him? I wonder if he will share with her all his knowledge of Ninjago that he shares with me?
Tres did terrific at school - it was the ride home that started her downfall. She has a way with words sometimes (and looks and attitude, etc., etc., etc.). I wonder, does she know I love her? Am I conveying it adequately to her?
Thanks for letting me share my babies' first day of school:)
Dos is becoming such a young man that I'm not sure I'm keeping up with his changes and growth. I can look at him and see my baby is leaving and a young man is taking his place. He is thinking more and more on his own and deciding what he likes and doesn't like. I worry that I'm losing a connection with him and have to remind myself to listen to him and not force my will upon him. He's so in his own world most of the time but I still pick up on a sensitive spirit from time to time. How will he handle this new school? What will he learn? Will his teacher challenge him? I wonder if he will share with her all his knowledge of Ninjago that he shares with me?
Tres did terrific at school - it was the ride home that started her downfall. She has a way with words sometimes (and looks and attitude, etc., etc., etc.). I wonder, does she know I love her? Am I conveying it adequately to her?
Thanks for letting me share my babies' first day of school:)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Let's Get Ready to Rumble!
Here it is almost midnight and I'm still getting things ready for tomorrow . I'm so excited for the kids. They start a new school and all the excitement of something new is what I'm feeling. I have big plans for our morning routines, our extra curricular routines, their lunches, their snacks, my role as a room mom. With all these thoughts, it's no wonder it's so late.
I'm a little bummed I took a hiatus over the last two days from blogging. And to be honest, it was unintentional. Friday I had my sister's kids with mine and planned to get some work done here at the house including blogging; however, two of her boys had a scooter accident which left the youngest one with a split ear. Translation? Five stitches to the left ear. Thank the Lord my neighbor is a nurse. I could feel myself getting queasy just looking at his ear so I had my neighbor look at it to tell me what to do. So, I ended up loading up five kids to take my nephew to meet my brother-in-law at the local ER. No time for blogging. On Saturday for some reason my main focus was organizing my pantry then a birthday party topped off with a family gathering. The family gathering was so much fun. I believe I have the funniest family on the planet! Again, no blogging that night.
I know I should be in bed but am pretty sure I will be up all night with the excitement of a new school year starting. I realize this giddiness is a little trivial but I remember this feeling every year: when I was in school, college, when I taught school, and now that my kids are in school. I love that part of the movie "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan says she loves a bouquet of pencils. I feel the same way:)
Now I must go and pack my kiddies snacks:) Have a great school year!
I'm a little bummed I took a hiatus over the last two days from blogging. And to be honest, it was unintentional. Friday I had my sister's kids with mine and planned to get some work done here at the house including blogging; however, two of her boys had a scooter accident which left the youngest one with a split ear. Translation? Five stitches to the left ear. Thank the Lord my neighbor is a nurse. I could feel myself getting queasy just looking at his ear so I had my neighbor look at it to tell me what to do. So, I ended up loading up five kids to take my nephew to meet my brother-in-law at the local ER. No time for blogging. On Saturday for some reason my main focus was organizing my pantry then a birthday party topped off with a family gathering. The family gathering was so much fun. I believe I have the funniest family on the planet! Again, no blogging that night.
I know I should be in bed but am pretty sure I will be up all night with the excitement of a new school year starting. I realize this giddiness is a little trivial but I remember this feeling every year: when I was in school, college, when I taught school, and now that my kids are in school. I love that part of the movie "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan says she loves a bouquet of pencils. I feel the same way:)
Now I must go and pack my kiddies snacks:) Have a great school year!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
The High Life
Busy, busy day. We went over to a friend's house today who had clothes to give to Tres. May I just say, she is set for the new school year:) Our entire Yukon was loaded with bags of clothes - for one child.
After spending the morning at our friend's house we then came home to a mad rush. All school supplies needed to be labeled, baby needed to be fed, clothes ironed, me dressed, and car loaded. Tonight was Open House. And I get to be Room Mom for Tres' class!!! I haven't found out yet for Dos but I'm keeping my fingers crossed:)
Now for my dilemma. My mom is out of town next week and my mom-in-law has to work and I need a sitter for at least two nights...aaaahhh!
After spending the morning at our friend's house we then came home to a mad rush. All school supplies needed to be labeled, baby needed to be fed, clothes ironed, me dressed, and car loaded. Tonight was Open House. And I get to be Room Mom for Tres' class!!! I haven't found out yet for Dos but I'm keeping my fingers crossed:)
Now for my dilemma. My mom is out of town next week and my mom-in-law has to work and I need a sitter for at least two nights...aaaahhh!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
What Can Happen in a Day...
Last night at this time I smugly took in my surroundings and was pretty pleased with myself. My house was clean. The dining room table cleared of any clutter, the dishes were washing in the dishwasher, my children slept peacefully in their beds.
Alas, tonight is not the same. As I peruse my house, I take in the view of six large tubs of children's clothing scattered across the floor. The dishes are NOT done and as I type I still hear one child stirring. Aah, those women who have it all together every night....I am not one of them. And I have a theory which leads to me to wonder "how exactly do you prove a theory to be true?" Anyway, my theory... when no one comes over my house, my house is spotless and yet no one sees the clean house. However, when I am up to my eyeballs in some current task (getting clothes ready for the seasonal sales) then people appear out of nowhere at my front door. What gives?
I picked up a couple of plastic lunch totes today and a pack of silicone cupcake forms:) Look out This Lunch Rox lady cause here I come! My kids will be super cool and smart and fun and cool and neato and nice and intelligent and cool (did I say cool?) all because they have the cutest lunches packed;) I'm sure you will readily agree with me, right?
Alas, tonight is not the same. As I peruse my house, I take in the view of six large tubs of children's clothing scattered across the floor. The dishes are NOT done and as I type I still hear one child stirring. Aah, those women who have it all together every night....I am not one of them. And I have a theory which leads to me to wonder "how exactly do you prove a theory to be true?" Anyway, my theory... when no one comes over my house, my house is spotless and yet no one sees the clean house. However, when I am up to my eyeballs in some current task (getting clothes ready for the seasonal sales) then people appear out of nowhere at my front door. What gives?
I picked up a couple of plastic lunch totes today and a pack of silicone cupcake forms:) Look out This Lunch Rox lady cause here I come! My kids will be super cool and smart and fun and cool and neato and nice and intelligent and cool (did I say cool?) all because they have the cutest lunches packed;) I'm sure you will readily agree with me, right?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Woo Hoo!
Today has definitely had its ups and downs but I'm happy to say that it has ended on a good note.
Quattro is seven months old. Back in February Numero Uno and I went out to eat with some friends and I needed a pair of jeans that were not maternity. I finally found a pair and was not crazy about how low riding they were but they fit and looked decent, so there! I bought them. And have hated, no loathed, them ever since. I've been longing for the day when they could go. Well, today my friends is that day.
Since I got the book "The Happiness Project" from my BFF around April, I missed out on chapters January, February, and March and I'm now going back and reading January since I finished up August early. January is about decluttering and the author shared how nice it was to clean out her closet. She let go of the baggage of clutter - "free" clutter, "one day" clutter, "old" clutter. Tonight I tackled my closet. As I went through it I found three pair of non maternity jeans folded over hangers. I tried each one on and low and behold, two of the three fit! I believe it is in part due to the fact that I went to a boot camp last night with aforementioned BFF and today the scales said I finally reached the 10 pound loss mark:) I immediately found the loathed pair of jeans and put them in the give away bag. Yay, me!
There are still a few items hanging in my closet that I hate to part with because I think one day I would like to wear them. I probably need to just let them go. I'm torn. Isn't it hilarious that "I'm torn" over articles of clothing that I have not worn for some time but may possibly wear them in the future? Aaaahhh!
On a positive note, I did part with the full "can can" slip that I wore under my wedding dress nine years ago that has moved with me four times and hung in my closet doing nothing:) Please tell me, why did I hang onto that slip?
Quattro is seven months old. Back in February Numero Uno and I went out to eat with some friends and I needed a pair of jeans that were not maternity. I finally found a pair and was not crazy about how low riding they were but they fit and looked decent, so there! I bought them. And have hated, no loathed, them ever since. I've been longing for the day when they could go. Well, today my friends is that day.
Since I got the book "The Happiness Project" from my BFF around April, I missed out on chapters January, February, and March and I'm now going back and reading January since I finished up August early. January is about decluttering and the author shared how nice it was to clean out her closet. She let go of the baggage of clutter - "free" clutter, "one day" clutter, "old" clutter. Tonight I tackled my closet. As I went through it I found three pair of non maternity jeans folded over hangers. I tried each one on and low and behold, two of the three fit! I believe it is in part due to the fact that I went to a boot camp last night with aforementioned BFF and today the scales said I finally reached the 10 pound loss mark:) I immediately found the loathed pair of jeans and put them in the give away bag. Yay, me!
There are still a few items hanging in my closet that I hate to part with because I think one day I would like to wear them. I probably need to just let them go. I'm torn. Isn't it hilarious that "I'm torn" over articles of clothing that I have not worn for some time but may possibly wear them in the future? Aaaahhh!
On a positive note, I did part with the full "can can" slip that I wore under my wedding dress nine years ago that has moved with me four times and hung in my closet doing nothing:) Please tell me, why did I hang onto that slip?
Monday, August 13, 2012
How Pinterest Changed My Life
I found the title of my future book, "How Pinterest Changed My Life". Kidding, kidding. But it does make me laugh to say it:) Seriously though, I do feel like I use the pins off of Pinterest all the time. Before Pinterest I would have never ventured to do half the things I've done. Whoever came up with this idea, kudos.
I believe it was the House of Smiths that I got my pantry door idea. In fact, I think I'm gonna add her blog to my blog list. She's got some GREAT ideas.
So painting my door was a big, bold step for me. I took some pics but looking at them, I really can't tell that I distressed the door so I may have to go back and sand some more:)
I believe it was the House of Smiths that I got my pantry door idea. In fact, I think I'm gonna add her blog to my blog list. She's got some GREAT ideas.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to use the sandpaper some more. Dos wanted to get in on the action.
And not to be outdone, Tres did too.
So, what do you think? A little more sanding?
Sunday, August 12, 2012
A Lazy Sunday & 90's Rock Bands
Dos and Tres are recovering from strep throat. Thank goodness they got it a week and a half before school starts so we can have it over with before then. We spent this beautiful day together as a family just doing whatever we felt like and I loved it! The weather has me in such a great mood. Fall is my favorite time of year and for the past two days there has been a hint of fall in the air.
Numero Uno's parents fixed us lunch. My father-in-law recently had his land logged so we rode the Gator over the property viewing the change in the landscape. Afterwards we gave Maybelle a haircut. Boy, did she need it! I can't get over how quickly that dog's hair grows.
I even managed to read some of a book today, change the sheets on my bed, and paint my pantry door. Now, the door I'm very excited about but not ready to show just yet. I still need to distress it a little bit before I break out the camera.
To cap the day off, we spent the evening outside roasting hot dogs on the open fire and sitting at our picnic table listening to 90's hair bands. (Mr. Big, Jeff Healey Band, Poison) What more could you ask for in a Sunday?
Okay, I'm rereading this post and it cracks me up how matter-of-fact I am. I feel like a "get to the point" kind of gal. How do I put into words the peace and happiness I felt today? How do I describe how many times today I was able to reach over and hold my man's hand or hug one of my kids or dance with my baby? How do I describe the excitement I felt over the changing of the seasons as the wind blew through my hair in the backyard?
This was a good day. I wish you the same perfect kind of day:)
Numero Uno's parents fixed us lunch. My father-in-law recently had his land logged so we rode the Gator over the property viewing the change in the landscape. Afterwards we gave Maybelle a haircut. Boy, did she need it! I can't get over how quickly that dog's hair grows.
I even managed to read some of a book today, change the sheets on my bed, and paint my pantry door. Now, the door I'm very excited about but not ready to show just yet. I still need to distress it a little bit before I break out the camera.
To cap the day off, we spent the evening outside roasting hot dogs on the open fire and sitting at our picnic table listening to 90's hair bands. (Mr. Big, Jeff Healey Band, Poison) What more could you ask for in a Sunday?
Okay, I'm rereading this post and it cracks me up how matter-of-fact I am. I feel like a "get to the point" kind of gal. How do I put into words the peace and happiness I felt today? How do I describe how many times today I was able to reach over and hold my man's hand or hug one of my kids or dance with my baby? How do I describe the excitement I felt over the changing of the seasons as the wind blew through my hair in the backyard?
This was a good day. I wish you the same perfect kind of day:)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Small Talk on a Saturday
I've made my list and crossed each task off. I'm one excited girl. Wee Swap starts in a week and a half and I've been in my attic sorting through clothes. I am extremely thankful that we have been blessed with such nice clothes for each of the kiddies. Now to create a list of what is still needed: winter coats, rain boots, rain coats, church shoes, Christmas outfits, Halloween costumes, etc.
I got a great deal on some Keen shoes for the kids this week at 50 & 60 % off:) I paid the same for the Keens as what a pair of Wal-Mart shoes would have cost - sweet!
I can't get away from a deep down desire to be on a farm. I got my fix of The Pioneer Woman this morning and I am in love with the ranch living. Really, I could not handle living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere but I do love some land and a pond and animals. This is the thing, I love animals but I have a complete love/hate relationship with my two dogs. So...would I really be happy on the farm? I think so.
Numero Uno took Dos on a boy's trip to Stoney Lonesome OHV Park. They are riding Pawpaw's Gator which is slower than the other vehicles but I bet you won't hear them complain:)
Can't you just see us on a farm? The kicker is we just don't know when to put our house on the market or where we would go. I need a little more of a plan before we take that leap.
I must confess I'm a little excited about the kids starting back to school soon. The reason? With most of them at school during the day, I have BIG plans for cleaning and decluttering this house. I envision a spotless home and a daily routine. This makes my heart sing!
I sure hope your beautiful Saturday is going well!
-The List Maker:)
I got a great deal on some Keen shoes for the kids this week at 50 & 60 % off:) I paid the same for the Keens as what a pair of Wal-Mart shoes would have cost - sweet!
I can't get away from a deep down desire to be on a farm. I got my fix of The Pioneer Woman this morning and I am in love with the ranch living. Really, I could not handle living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere but I do love some land and a pond and animals. This is the thing, I love animals but I have a complete love/hate relationship with my two dogs. So...would I really be happy on the farm? I think so.
Numero Uno took Dos on a boy's trip to Stoney Lonesome OHV Park. They are riding Pawpaw's Gator which is slower than the other vehicles but I bet you won't hear them complain:)
Can't you just see us on a farm? The kicker is we just don't know when to put our house on the market or where we would go. I need a little more of a plan before we take that leap.
I must confess I'm a little excited about the kids starting back to school soon. The reason? With most of them at school during the day, I have BIG plans for cleaning and decluttering this house. I envision a spotless home and a daily routine. This makes my heart sing!
I sure hope your beautiful Saturday is going well!
-The List Maker:)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Good Day Sunshine!
I got my haircut today and the jury is out on whether or not I like it. I like the fact that it is shorter but I only had enough budgeted for the haircut and not the highlights and I'm thinking the highlights would've really sealed the deal on me lovin' the haircut. Oh well, sometimes I don't like the cut until I've had a chance to style it myself.
I do not recall me having a snappy tone of voice growing up but once I became a mother I noticed how quick I am to get on edge if the kids mess something up or do not obey as quickly as I'd like. If??? I mean WHEN. So, I've really been praying and giving every effort to remain calm with my kids. I think rest has a lot to do with my response and currently I'm not getting good rest which I believe is related to my lack of nutrition and exercise but that is for another post.
Yesterday was a good day. I knew what I needed to accomplish, allowed myself plenty of time and reminded myself to LISTEN to my kids and ENJOY them. And that's exactly what I did. We spent almost 6 hours in town running errands and they were saints! How happy I am when I hear them say things like, "yes, ma'am" or "thank you, Mommy". They fill my heart with happiness and I myself am happy when I act with patience toward them. I honestly do not remember where I read it but recently I read to try and remember what it was like at your child's particular age and it will give you a sense of calm and understanding. For yesterday, at least, it worked.
I do not recall me having a snappy tone of voice growing up but once I became a mother I noticed how quick I am to get on edge if the kids mess something up or do not obey as quickly as I'd like. If??? I mean WHEN. So, I've really been praying and giving every effort to remain calm with my kids. I think rest has a lot to do with my response and currently I'm not getting good rest which I believe is related to my lack of nutrition and exercise but that is for another post.
Yesterday was a good day. I knew what I needed to accomplish, allowed myself plenty of time and reminded myself to LISTEN to my kids and ENJOY them. And that's exactly what I did. We spent almost 6 hours in town running errands and they were saints! How happy I am when I hear them say things like, "yes, ma'am" or "thank you, Mommy". They fill my heart with happiness and I myself am happy when I act with patience toward them. I honestly do not remember where I read it but recently I read to try and remember what it was like at your child's particular age and it will give you a sense of calm and understanding. For yesterday, at least, it worked.
I even went so far as to explain to them how tired I was at the end of our trip and would greatly appreciate their quick obedience because I tend to become frustrated more easily when I'm tired. And it worked! By the time we reached Wal-Mart (yes, we even braved Wal-Mart) they were so tired and begged to ride in the BIG buggy which I usually do not use because of its gargantuan size.
We were able to pick up some groceries, school supplies, and teacher gifts for the new year! Plus grab a bite to eat and me feed Little Man. I would say it was a good day! Hope your day was a good one as well. Any tidbits on how to remain calm when you are running errands with your family?
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Cleaning Out the Closet
As I read my Proverbs 31 Woman devotion this morning, the following verse was included in the conclusion of today's devotion:
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice." Ephesians 4:31
I thought about this verse, about the struggles I have gone through the past year and about the anger that wells up in me time and again. How nice it would be to "get rid of" my bitterness and anger and slander. I recognize the directive but where's the application? Where's the "and here's HOW it's done?" This statement conjures up the image of me cleaning out my closet of unwanted clothes. I imagine bitterness to be a too tight, itchy sweater that makes me hot, annoyed, and irritable - one that I would gladly throw away. But in my life, this bitterness seems to be fitting too tightly and leaves me clawing to get it off of me and out of my life. I have listened longingly to sermons that share the importance of forgiveness and release of bitterness. I get the importance of letting go. I understand unforgiveness is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die (overheard at church).
When cleaning out a closet I've learned you get three garbage bags and fill them up accordingly:
1. One bag is for items to keep.
2. One bag is for items to sell/give away.
3. One bag is for items to throw away.
What is my list for "getting rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice"? Do I: 1. Pray three times a day. 2. Think only sweet and loving thoughts toward the one who causes the feelings of bitterness and rage. 3. Don't cross the street at midnight.
How? How do you go about letting it go? What if you feel you've gotten rid of your bitterness and rage just to have the same issue brought up again and again?
It is my desire to follow this scripture. I long for a peace from following God's word. I simply am looking for the list explaining how to get this done:)
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Keep Up!
I believe it was Gretchen Rubin who stated in "The Happiness Project" that people are typically attracted to others that possess an attribute they themselves are trying to emulate. I would agree with that statement. I am completely fascinated with individuals that seem to have it all together. Typically it's other women cause let's be honest, men are boring. I mean show me a woman that can cook, teach her kids, volunteer at church, school, sew, sing, craft, and keep a clean house all while wearing pearls and I'm hooked! Yes, I realize it is an illusion but it is one I'm always trying to capture.
Therefore, busy time is upon me. School will soon begin and so will my volunteering with the kids. Today I met with a group of moms to brainstorm ways to assist the school's Parent Teacher Organization. Gotta admit, it was fun and I was pumped!
Therefore, busy time is upon me. School will soon begin and so will my volunteering with the kids. Today I met with a group of moms to brainstorm ways to assist the school's Parent Teacher Organization. Gotta admit, it was fun and I was pumped!
Here are a couple of the mommas chattin'. (Who's that adorable baby?) We had a great time and all our kiddies are the same age so they kept themselves entertained. Yay!
Summer has truly flown by. We completed a lot of our summer Bucket List but still have a few more activities to complete. I really am an outgoing personality but feel like I could honestly stay in my house all day and have PLENTY to keep me busy. So, this summer I really made an effort to plan activities that would require my kids to interact with others. It has been a real success. We've had more planned play dates, sleep overs, and pool parties. Before the summer began, I sat down with the kids and ask them what they wanted to accomplish this summer then I categorized the list by activities we could do at the drop of a hat, ones that would need a little bit of planning, and ones that cost money. Here's a pic of the jar we used to write out the activities we could do at the drop of the hat; therefore, when we had the chance, one of the kids would draw a slip of paper out and we would complete that activity.
Now, here's the rub - I'm good at starting something but suck at the finish. I know, I know, this is a common problem and volumes have been penned trying to offer helpful solutions. I work to complete what I have started but am scatterbrained at best. Currently, I am trying to blog for 30 days (suppose to be in a row but that quickly went in the pooper), record my weekly food and exercise intake, follow up on some fundraising incentives, somehow get laundry under control, have kiddos read nightly to me, have Dos practice violin for 18 days in a row in order to have a water balloon fight celebration, maintain milk supply for Quattro, try to figure out how to get better pics from my camera, and sort through clothing bins in storage to prepare for fall and winter. Other women are doing all this and more. I've just got to figure out how to keep up!
Tres making a picture for our next door neighbor.
Dos watching TV, which is his favorite pastime and my biggest irritation:(
Comfort Food
I believe my downfall with losing weight is comfort food. Rich, creamy, sweet, savory comfort food. These usually take the form of brownies or Chocolate Xtreme blizzards or a moist chocolate bunt cake. That last one was made by my BFF recently and I believe I could have eaten all of its moist center:) Cheesy, creamy dishes are also make the list.
Last night I created a good meal. A fantastic dinner and if you've read this blog much, you know this is a rare occurrence. I made Southwestern Corn Chowder and corn casserole. Yes, one might think, "too much corn in a meal" but not so. The Corn Chowder had very little corn in it and to boot, it was low fat. How awesome is it when a comfort food is low fat? I think what attracted me to this chowder is its creamy base. I got the recipe from Everyday Food.
Everyday Food has got to be one of my favorite publications. This magazine stays true to its name. You can find great recipes using the everyday food in your pantry and fridge.
The best part of last night? When Numero Uno came home and raved about the meal:) And by "raved" I mean he said he liked it.
Last night I created a good meal. A fantastic dinner and if you've read this blog much, you know this is a rare occurrence. I made Southwestern Corn Chowder and corn casserole. Yes, one might think, "too much corn in a meal" but not so. The Corn Chowder had very little corn in it and to boot, it was low fat. How awesome is it when a comfort food is low fat? I think what attracted me to this chowder is its creamy base. I got the recipe from Everyday Food.
Everyday Food has got to be one of my favorite publications. This magazine stays true to its name. You can find great recipes using the everyday food in your pantry and fridge.
The best part of last night? When Numero Uno came home and raved about the meal:) And by "raved" I mean he said he liked it.
Monday, August 6, 2012
I would love for someone to sit down with me and say, "Honey, this is why you do the things you do." I would like to think I am an intelligent human being but I tell you sometimes I try to do something new to me and it feels like I hit a brick wall.
For example, I wanted to post some newer picks of Quattro so I import them from my camera to my computer. I locate a photo editor and make some changes but then can not figure out for the life of me how to save the photos. Arrrgh!
Here is a pic of little man at four months old. He is such a sweetie and so calm and happy all the time.
For example, I wanted to post some newer picks of Quattro so I import them from my camera to my computer. I locate a photo editor and make some changes but then can not figure out for the life of me how to save the photos. Arrrgh!
Here is a pic of little man at four months old. He is such a sweetie and so calm and happy all the time.
Here he is at five months. I couldn't resist a picture of his cute bottom. One day he will be mad at me for having this pic but it will remind me of his sweet, soft, baby skin:)
I have a confession....this week I will be taking his six month picture but he is technically already seven months. My plan is to take the six month picture here the beginning of the month and then his seven month picture close to the end of the month but right before his eight month pic. I know I'm a bad mom but maybe one day he won't know the difference:)
Any ideas on a six month pose or a seven month pose? Or tips for using a Canon PowerShot A510?
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Seasons Change
This is the time of year that I both love and dread. Time to assess the clothing department of the kids' closets. We are SO blessed with amazing friends and family that circulate the kids' clothing. Right now I'm in the process of weeding out what does not fit, what we'll need for the winter, and creating a list of needed items and sizes for the fall and winter. Consignment sales will start soon.
The part of all this that I love is that it's like Christmas in the summer:) One of my girlfriends works at a children's shoe store and when her children outgrow their shoes she passes them down to us which means we get some pretty AWESOME shoes. Another girlfriends' sister has only one daughter and because that daughter is a few years older than my friend's girl, we get to use the hand me down dresses first then pass them back for my friend's girl to wear. It's a pretty sweet set up.
The dreaded part of this time of year - I have mountains of clothes and storage bins out and about until I get everything sorted. It stresses me out slightly.
I need to ask Numero Uno to pull the attic ladder down so I can start to work.
The part of all this that I love is that it's like Christmas in the summer:) One of my girlfriends works at a children's shoe store and when her children outgrow their shoes she passes them down to us which means we get some pretty AWESOME shoes. Another girlfriends' sister has only one daughter and because that daughter is a few years older than my friend's girl, we get to use the hand me down dresses first then pass them back for my friend's girl to wear. It's a pretty sweet set up.
The dreaded part of this time of year - I have mountains of clothes and storage bins out and about until I get everything sorted. It stresses me out slightly.
I need to ask Numero Uno to pull the attic ladder down so I can start to work.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Move Over Pioneer Woman
As I cleaned my kitchen this morning I decided to watch the Food Network. My interest was peaked as a new show started titled, The Pioneer Woman. Immediately I liked everything about the show from its setting to her easy recipes to her smile. She is a country girl with a big family and a farm. What more could you ask for?
Her name is Ree, which I love. and she has four kids (same as me):) Her entire show seemed to embody what my ideal family has been my entire life. I can remember in elementary school reading Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly series and subsequently naming all of my pencils in my pencil box after the children in the book. As the school day passed, I would create little scenes with my pencils. The pencils that had been shortened by repeated sharpenings were always the youngest "children". By my junior year in high school, I had the number of children I wanted determined (seven) and their names planned out as well as a two story farmhouse as the house of choice. Unfortunately since then I have been unable to convince Numero Uno that Clovis Jedidiah or Elle Bleu are practical names. I have however succeeded in getting some of the family pets named after my "ideal" children's names. Our first dog together was named Addie Mae.
The Pioneer Woman's manner of preparing food has such an ease about it I felt like I could replicate her meals. And I did. Tonight for dinner I made chicken spaghetti and it was a hit. In fact, both my children ate it up (Uno being at his mom's this weekend and Quattro being too young to enjoy this food). Tres has a friend over and her friend said she liked it. Tres called it, "delicious".
Two things I learned:
1. Use the broth from the cooked chicken to cook the spaghetti noodles.
2. Break the noodles into thirds which makes it easier for the kids to eat. Now, I have always broke my noodles in half but why I have not thought about breaking them into thirds is beyond me.
We will definitely be putting Chicken Spaghetti on our list of repeats.
Her name is Ree, which I love. and she has four kids (same as me):) Her entire show seemed to embody what my ideal family has been my entire life. I can remember in elementary school reading Janette Oke's Love Comes Softly series and subsequently naming all of my pencils in my pencil box after the children in the book. As the school day passed, I would create little scenes with my pencils. The pencils that had been shortened by repeated sharpenings were always the youngest "children". By my junior year in high school, I had the number of children I wanted determined (seven) and their names planned out as well as a two story farmhouse as the house of choice. Unfortunately since then I have been unable to convince Numero Uno that Clovis Jedidiah or Elle Bleu are practical names. I have however succeeded in getting some of the family pets named after my "ideal" children's names. Our first dog together was named Addie Mae.
The Pioneer Woman's manner of preparing food has such an ease about it I felt like I could replicate her meals. And I did. Tonight for dinner I made chicken spaghetti and it was a hit. In fact, both my children ate it up (Uno being at his mom's this weekend and Quattro being too young to enjoy this food). Tres has a friend over and her friend said she liked it. Tres called it, "delicious".
Two things I learned:
1. Use the broth from the cooked chicken to cook the spaghetti noodles.
2. Break the noodles into thirds which makes it easier for the kids to eat. Now, I have always broke my noodles in half but why I have not thought about breaking them into thirds is beyond me.
We will definitely be putting Chicken Spaghetti on our list of repeats.
Sunlight's coming through the windows on the east side of the house. Dos is watching old animated Batman stories on a dvd he picked out from the library. Tres lies asleep in my bed where she came to at 6:00 this morning and Quattro is making a slight fuss over being put down for his first nap of the day. I know his fusses won't last long considering he already has his blanket pulled up around his cheeks - a sign that says, "let me get cozy before I go to sleep". I love the morning time like this. Slow moving, peaceful.
I find it funny that my last post listed my blessings and this morning I opened "The Happiness Project" book to find that gratitude was one of the features this month.
It is true, "a grateful heart is a happy heart". And this heart has MUCH to be grateful for.
My parents as can what only be described as "survived" an awful childhood. My father's by nature was far worse than my mom's but even hers was no rosy event. Both of my grandfathers were alcoholics. My father's father was a mean, abusive alcoholic while my mother's father simply drank away their entire income. Having this information filed in the back of my mind, there are two things that amaze me:
1. That I have the most amazing parents. By their raising and treatment of me, you would have NO CLUE their fathers were not perfect examples of how to raise a family.
2. My husband loves and cares for not only me but our kids as well. He feels a strong urge to provide for his family and does a wonderful job of doing it. I will never know a home like what my parents grew up in and for that, I am grateful.
I find it funny that my last post listed my blessings and this morning I opened "The Happiness Project" book to find that gratitude was one of the features this month.
It is true, "a grateful heart is a happy heart". And this heart has MUCH to be grateful for.
My parents as can what only be described as "survived" an awful childhood. My father's by nature was far worse than my mom's but even hers was no rosy event. Both of my grandfathers were alcoholics. My father's father was a mean, abusive alcoholic while my mother's father simply drank away their entire income. Having this information filed in the back of my mind, there are two things that amaze me:
1. That I have the most amazing parents. By their raising and treatment of me, you would have NO CLUE their fathers were not perfect examples of how to raise a family.
2. My husband loves and cares for not only me but our kids as well. He feels a strong urge to provide for his family and does a wonderful job of doing it. I will never know a home like what my parents grew up in and for that, I am grateful.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
The kids participated in Kidsfest this week and I guess that has me all thrown off because I didn't even realize til today that I had not posted in a few days.
As I think about the lists that I create on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, I've started to realize a list needs to be made of my blessings. I've been asking God to show me areas in which I can give and not just with money. But on the thought of giving, my thoughts turn to things - possessions. I mean, at first glance, giving means giving possessions to others. When trying to determine what possessions others really need then I think of what possessions do I need?
I have been obsessing over our budget trying to make every dollar count and struggling with ideas that "we do not have enough money" but in reality, we have plenty. Thus inspiring me to create my "Blessings" list.
Blessings that I Possess:
1. A loving, kind, and HARD WORKING husband.
2. My health.
3. Four beautiful, healthy children.
4. A great relationship with my parents and siblings.
5. My children's best friends are thier cousins.
6. A home that I designed with my husband.
7. A fantastic church that I enjoy attending.
8. Friends that I can share anything with.
9. A nice, working vehicle.
10. Plenty of food in my pantry.
11. Two good dogs (even though they get on my nerves daily).
12. Plenty of clothes in my closet.
13. I live in a safe neighborhood.
14. My children attend a good and safe school.
15. I am an American.
Thoughts of my blessings help put things into perspective.
What are your blessings?
As I think about the lists that I create on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, I've started to realize a list needs to be made of my blessings. I've been asking God to show me areas in which I can give and not just with money. But on the thought of giving, my thoughts turn to things - possessions. I mean, at first glance, giving means giving possessions to others. When trying to determine what possessions others really need then I think of what possessions do I need?
I have been obsessing over our budget trying to make every dollar count and struggling with ideas that "we do not have enough money" but in reality, we have plenty. Thus inspiring me to create my "Blessings" list.
Blessings that I Possess:
1. A loving, kind, and HARD WORKING husband.
2. My health.
3. Four beautiful, healthy children.
4. A great relationship with my parents and siblings.
5. My children's best friends are thier cousins.
6. A home that I designed with my husband.
7. A fantastic church that I enjoy attending.
8. Friends that I can share anything with.
9. A nice, working vehicle.
10. Plenty of food in my pantry.
11. Two good dogs (even though they get on my nerves daily).
12. Plenty of clothes in my closet.
13. I live in a safe neighborhood.
14. My children attend a good and safe school.
15. I am an American.
Thoughts of my blessings help put things into perspective.
What are your blessings?
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About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.