I can't remember what I have posted thus far about the New Year and finances. I will say this year so far has brought some difficult and exciting (albeit nervous) decisions. Can you tell when you have made a final decision? I mean one that you are not turning back from? Like if you've ever touched an electric fence ( I really hope this lesson was learned as a child) and afterwards you realize it will not take any more convincing for you to NEVER touch the fence again if you can help it? Well, Numero Uno and I are there. NO MORE DEBT!!! We have paid off debt time and time again and yet get right back into the hole.
Why do I believe it's different now? Because we have made a powerful and disappointing decision (at least to me) that will be a painful reminder (not unlike the shock of an electric fence) of what debt has done. We have decided we will not be sending our children to Cullman Christian next year. I am EXTREMELY saddened by this but in order for them to attend next year I would have to get a job. Right now at this point in our lives, I believe my greatest role is fulfilled in the home. To take me away from the home to pay bills, I believe will hurt our family. We have also decided to make a really big effort this year to get pregnant and we both agree we will not bring an infant into this world for someone else to care for in order for me to work to put the other kids through private school. To my man, this was not a difficult decision but for me, it has been tough. I have prayed and prayed over this and honestly, my impression from God is that this is not a sin or no sin situation, I simply must trust and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'm still praying for a miracle and by that I mean a way for the kiddies to stay at CCS and me stay home. I've also been praying that God hit me with a great "stay-at-home mommy" idea that so many other mommies have had and now they bring in great income. Yes, I am open to ideas.
So... our goals? Dave Ramsey's (he should be up for sainthood) three baby steps:
Step 1: $1,000 in Emergency Fund
Step 2: Snowball all debt.
Step 3: Create a serious Emergency Fund consisting of 3-6 months of living expenses.
Now, Numero Uno and I believe that we should be able to do most of this in 24 months. Due to the long term goals of living debt free, we have taken our house off the market and will work over the next 24 months to pay down all debt in the hopes that in two years the housing market will be on the rise and we can actually make some money off of our home. We'll see how we progress. By the way, I'm open to suggestions.
-The List Maker
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