In order to make myself an honest woman, I will have at least one more Tell Me! Tuesday. I'm certain that now that I have started this it will just take off and be increasingly popular:)
My "To Do" list for today:
1. Complete Morning Routine (
2. Complete a Mission (
3. Fold and put away laundry
4. Clean out the toyroom while kids are at school
5. E-mail CEO of local fundraiser company and parents of preschool class
6. Pick up kids and bread from Bread Store
7. Make supper/ kids finish homework
8. Bedtime Routine
I really should also go by the courthouse today and pay my late land tax bill but I will wait til tomorrow.
So, what's yours? What's on your list?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
I Am My Mother
I have just read some of my older post and I am dying laughin' at myself. Growing up my mother would always be reading some new book or article or hearing some sermon or speaker on the radio and immediately her life was going to be different from implementing whatever the latest was. I am the SAME. I just read one of my "great" ideas of Tell Me! Tuesday. Would you like to know how long that idea lasted? Uh, that one Tuesday. I crack myself up!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Gonna give a little shout out to the Lord for a couple of things. #1. Thank the Lord Numero Uno and I have been doing the budget thing for the past two paychecks because we actually had an emergency today and had it not been for sticking to a budget we would have been up you-know-what creek. Dos went to Urgent Care this morning and then was sent on to Children's Hospital emergency room. We had a little cushion to absorb the unexpected cost. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed with insurance. The budget came in handy when it came to the extra cost of fuel to drive all over God's green earth and the unexpected food expenses for being away from home ALL DAY LONG. #2. As of right now, nothing major is wrong with Dos. Although I do not fully buy into the doctor's diagnosis, I am thankful for no biggies. THANK YOU LORD!!
Okay, so here is the low down and feel free to give input because like I said I did not buy into the doctor's explanation:
For three weeks Dos has been having BAD gas - I mean BAD. At first I thought, "he's a boy, he thinks this is funny, this will hopefully tone down"; however, he started going to the bathroom all the time, having accidents in his pants, and his stomach has become extremely distended. After a couple of extended family members on two separate occasions asked me if he had been to see the doctor I decided it was time to take him. Now, for some of you, you may think, "why didn't you take him earlier?" I didn't want to be the mom that had to explain to the doc that I thought my son farted too much! Anyway, at urgent care the doctor did an x-ray because upon seeing Dos' belly he was immediately concerned. After the x-ray the doctor told me that if Dos was his son, he would take him to Children's because he saw something on x-ray. Okay, as a parent, that was a horrible feeling to feel like in a moment our whole world and routines and existence could change. If someone had privy to my conversations with God on the way to Children's Hospital, they would have heard: "God, please, I don't want this. Please do not pick my family as the "good example" of believing in You, let us continue on in life with our heads down and our noses out of trouble. Please God, I'd give anything to keep my children healthy." I'm sure I'm not conveying accurately that I did realize that this whole situation could be no big deal but in a moment when you feel like, "what if everything is NOT okay?" it's a horrible feeling. I kept thinking, "I don't want to be here. I don't want to be here."
So... we get to Children's. Again, the ER doc immediately comments on the size of Dos' abdomen and views the x-rays that were sent to her from Cullman. As she is asking questions and feeling his stomach, he swallows, and Numero Uno comments that Dos does that all the time and ask if the two things are related? Then the doctor tells us she does not think we need to do any further invasive procedures but put him on Mylicon and follow up with his regular doctor. Now, let me interject here that this doctor was extremely nice but I do want to say..."WHAT???" Mylicon is going to cure all of his problems? His bowel movements have ranged from regular to diahhrea to down right nasty. How can swallowing air by his swallowing habit cause all of his bowel problems? Don't get me wrong, I am ECSTATIC that nothing major was wrong, it's just that her explanation makes NO sense to me. She did go on to say that her primary concern was to rule out any emergency situation.
We are currently giving him Mylicon every two hours and will follow up with a doctor appointment on Tuesday.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Emergency Fund
Numero Uno and I sat down again Wednesday night to look at our next two weeks budget. Looks like for this two week session we'll be doing good to put $10 in our savings account. However, I did rack up some pretty sweet deals at Publix yesterday. I also did pretty well at CVS. I purchased 10 items at approximately $1.90 a piece. Due to the snow, Publix did not have a lot of stuff in because of cancelled shipments but they issued me rain checks. Thanks BFF for that knowledge. I was trying to come up with some ways to create extra cash for our Disney fund. I read on Couponing to Disney that some sites cut coupons for people. I usually do not like or use all my coupons so I was thinking, "wonder if I could go ahead and cut out all coupons and ebay the ones I don't use or want". Just a thought. I'll try it out and see how it goes.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Goals, Goals, Goals!
After a fun break for a couple of days at my parents' place, I am back in my home environment ready to go. This is a good thing considering last week I seemed to be stuck in a rut.
I can't remember what I have posted thus far about the New Year and finances. I will say this year so far has brought some difficult and exciting (albeit nervous) decisions. Can you tell when you have made a final decision? I mean one that you are not turning back from? Like if you've ever touched an electric fence ( I really hope this lesson was learned as a child) and afterwards you realize it will not take any more convincing for you to NEVER touch the fence again if you can help it? Well, Numero Uno and I are there. NO MORE DEBT!!! We have paid off debt time and time again and yet get right back into the hole.
Why do I believe it's different now? Because we have made a powerful and disappointing decision (at least to me) that will be a painful reminder (not unlike the shock of an electric fence) of what debt has done. We have decided we will not be sending our children to Cullman Christian next year. I am EXTREMELY saddened by this but in order for them to attend next year I would have to get a job. Right now at this point in our lives, I believe my greatest role is fulfilled in the home. To take me away from the home to pay bills, I believe will hurt our family. We have also decided to make a really big effort this year to get pregnant and we both agree we will not bring an infant into this world for someone else to care for in order for me to work to put the other kids through private school. To my man, this was not a difficult decision but for me, it has been tough. I have prayed and prayed over this and honestly, my impression from God is that this is not a sin or no sin situation, I simply must trust and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'm still praying for a miracle and by that I mean a way for the kiddies to stay at CCS and me stay home. I've also been praying that God hit me with a great "stay-at-home mommy" idea that so many other mommies have had and now they bring in great income. Yes, I am open to ideas.
So... our goals? Dave Ramsey's (he should be up for sainthood) three baby steps:

Step 1: $1,000 in Emergency Fund
Step 2: Snowball all debt.
Step 3: Create a serious Emergency Fund consisting of 3-6 months of living expenses.
Now, Numero Uno and I believe that we should be able to do most of this in 24 months. Due to the long term goals of living debt free, we have taken our house off the market and will work over the next 24 months to pay down all debt in the hopes that in two years the housing market will be on the rise and we can actually make some money off of our home. We'll see how we progress. By the way, I'm open to suggestions.
-The List Maker
I can't remember what I have posted thus far about the New Year and finances. I will say this year so far has brought some difficult and exciting (albeit nervous) decisions. Can you tell when you have made a final decision? I mean one that you are not turning back from? Like if you've ever touched an electric fence ( I really hope this lesson was learned as a child) and afterwards you realize it will not take any more convincing for you to NEVER touch the fence again if you can help it? Well, Numero Uno and I are there. NO MORE DEBT!!! We have paid off debt time and time again and yet get right back into the hole.
Why do I believe it's different now? Because we have made a powerful and disappointing decision (at least to me) that will be a painful reminder (not unlike the shock of an electric fence) of what debt has done. We have decided we will not be sending our children to Cullman Christian next year. I am EXTREMELY saddened by this but in order for them to attend next year I would have to get a job. Right now at this point in our lives, I believe my greatest role is fulfilled in the home. To take me away from the home to pay bills, I believe will hurt our family. We have also decided to make a really big effort this year to get pregnant and we both agree we will not bring an infant into this world for someone else to care for in order for me to work to put the other kids through private school. To my man, this was not a difficult decision but for me, it has been tough. I have prayed and prayed over this and honestly, my impression from God is that this is not a sin or no sin situation, I simply must trust and move on. Don't get me wrong, I'm still praying for a miracle and by that I mean a way for the kiddies to stay at CCS and me stay home. I've also been praying that God hit me with a great "stay-at-home mommy" idea that so many other mommies have had and now they bring in great income. Yes, I am open to ideas.
So... our goals? Dave Ramsey's (he should be up for sainthood) three baby steps:
Step 1: $1,000 in Emergency Fund
Step 2: Snowball all debt.
Step 3: Create a serious Emergency Fund consisting of 3-6 months of living expenses.
Now, Numero Uno and I believe that we should be able to do most of this in 24 months. Due to the long term goals of living debt free, we have taken our house off the market and will work over the next 24 months to pay down all debt in the hopes that in two years the housing market will be on the rise and we can actually make some money off of our home. We'll see how we progress. By the way, I'm open to suggestions.
-The List Maker
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Yesterday... Yesterday was a beautiful day. I cleaned my house, played one on one with the children (we even spent some time playing outside), I made a healthy supper for everyone, gave the kids a bath, read books to them, prayed together, and closed the day with songs. What a great day. All was well with the world.
Today... I have barely got my sorry rear off the couch. We started back school today and one would think that I would have accomplished so much. Instead, we are about to load up so I can run by Chick-fil-a in order to pick up free kids meals because I do not want to cook. And yes, my Christmas trees are still up. They were supposed to come down today but that didn't happen. My ONLY good thing I did was I worked out today but I'm pretty certain that the rest of my behavior today has nullified any and all potential benefits from the work out.
I was NOT a supermom today. I'm not even sure I was the average mom today. What happens now?
Today... I have barely got my sorry rear off the couch. We started back school today and one would think that I would have accomplished so much. Instead, we are about to load up so I can run by Chick-fil-a in order to pick up free kids meals because I do not want to cook. And yes, my Christmas trees are still up. They were supposed to come down today but that didn't happen. My ONLY good thing I did was I worked out today but I'm pretty certain that the rest of my behavior today has nullified any and all potential benefits from the work out.
I was NOT a supermom today. I'm not even sure I was the average mom today. What happens now?
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Future
I'm not sure I will label any of my decisions for this year as "resolutions". Are there goals I have for this year? Most definitely. Will there be changes made? Absolutely. But will they be resolutions? I don't think so. Or if they are I am camouflaging them under another name:)
1. What do I want to focus on in the coming year? My fingers hesitate to type my first response...peace with God. When one says such a thing isn't the norm to be slammed with trials and tragedy? I have kept a safe distance from God this past year. Not wanting to get too close for fear He may want to invade some private space. But I was reminded yet again yesterday at church that He has power that I need. He can move mountains that I can only kick. If I had the power to speak one statement over this desire, it would be: I will be a friend of God's and He will be a kind, loving friend to me.
So, my many small ideas for the new year?
Me and my sister are starting a workout program tomorrow. My goal is to lose 10% of my weight. Meaning I simply have 11 more pounds to go since I lost four pounds while being sick last week. (Good news - it wasn't the flu)
Numero Uno and I are hitting Dave Ramsey hard this year. First step? Emergency fund. I'm excited to see the progress we will make. We already know there are going to be some difficult decisions that will not be understood by our friends or family that lie ahead.
Play outside with my kids on a regular basis.
Swap out processed foods for natural choices which in turn will allow me to provide better food choices for my kids.
Get pregnant and have a beautiful and healthy baby.
1. What do I want to focus on in the coming year? My fingers hesitate to type my first response...peace with God. When one says such a thing isn't the norm to be slammed with trials and tragedy? I have kept a safe distance from God this past year. Not wanting to get too close for fear He may want to invade some private space. But I was reminded yet again yesterday at church that He has power that I need. He can move mountains that I can only kick. If I had the power to speak one statement over this desire, it would be: I will be a friend of God's and He will be a kind, loving friend to me.
So, my many small ideas for the new year?
Me and my sister are starting a workout program tomorrow. My goal is to lose 10% of my weight. Meaning I simply have 11 more pounds to go since I lost four pounds while being sick last week. (Good news - it wasn't the flu)
Numero Uno and I are hitting Dave Ramsey hard this year. First step? Emergency fund. I'm excited to see the progress we will make. We already know there are going to be some difficult decisions that will not be understood by our friends or family that lie ahead.
Play outside with my kids on a regular basis.
Swap out processed foods for natural choices which in turn will allow me to provide better food choices for my kids.
Get pregnant and have a beautiful and healthy baby.
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About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.