Now that the presents have been unwrapped (I received the serving set I wanted from Numero Uno) and family visited, I am itching to look forward to what lies ahead. Isn't that what this time of year is for? Before I make my resolutions which is inevitable, I will first look back at this year.
1. How have I spent my time? The first part of 2010 I spent my time planning. Our first ever Disney trip was booked in February with all our specific dining and event plans booked in April. I poured countless hours over travel guides and blogs. Might I add that it was this year that I was introduced to Couponing to Disney blog which I love?
I also spent some of my time in sadness and worry. We had a couple of conflicts with Uno's mom which always stress me out. I do recognize that these issues are never something we will not make it through, they are simply uncomfortable growing and stretching times.
My sadness this year came from not getting pregnant; however, I also recognize that I'm not sure how a baby would have played into our Disney trip. I truly enjoyed every aspect of the trip because I was able to spend time with each of our kids in a fun way that would have been greatly limited had a pregnancy factored into the trip.2. What was I grateful for? There has been a lot to be grateful for this year: my family, my family's health, our financial blessings, our big vacation, our camper which allowed us lots of great bonding time. My heart overflows with all I'm grateful for. We joined a church we love this year. Our relationships with our extended family have grown deeper this year. We love the small group we are in, the kids' schools are great. I could go on and on on the areas of my life that I am grateful for. One more and I will move on. I am absolutely grateful for Numero Uno. He is an amazing man of magnificent value. God has designed us for one another. Numero Uno is calm and kind, compassionate, faithful, hard working, and loving to each member of our family. He makes me laugh and is a strong, stable force in my life.
3. What were my sorrows and disappointments? I already shared that my sorrow or disappointment was not getting pregnant. I'm uncertain if the sorrow was not getting pregnant or being told that I have a syndrome that will make it difficult for me to become pregnant. I think the biggest disappointment lies in the fact that a dream of mine was burst. I envisioned myself being little Miss Betty Homemaker who could manage her house and spit babies out at will. Life is never what you envision and I am learning to adjust.
4. What books, films, etc. moved me? Crazy Love
My year end review is a little lengthy. To sum up: it's been a good year!
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