I believe but am not 100% certain that my entire family sans Uno has the flu. Saturday night Dos started running a slight fever and we all stayed in yesterday except for Numero Uno, he had to work. Dos complained of a headache and I worried about that symptom. I also had a headache but I attributed mine to the fact that I'm back on the wagon and counting calories and trimming out caffeine and chocolate. As of yet I'm uncertain if Tres has the flu or just a really nasty cold. She has not ran a fever but has had a lot of nasal congestion. By this morning Numero Uno and I had aches all over, headaches, and Dos ran a major temperature. Thankfully Dos has not complained anymore about a headache and we all took a nap together. I feel better since the nap but I can feel a headache coming on.
On the bright side, this sickness will work well for my paring down of foods since I do not have an appetite. We'll see how it goes. My chest really hurts.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
The Present
1. How am I different now from this same time last year? Not sure how to answer that question. I may be slightly more calm this year. All the kids are older and more independent. Tres is potty trained this year and that makes a big difference. I understand what is going on in my body this year (well at least I have a name for my symptoms). The knowledge of my syndrome makes me feel more hopeful than I did last year at this time.
2. How can I integrate lessons from this past year? I would say that I've picked up several tips from leading the Holiday Auction again this year. I've learned more aspects of leading and dealings with people of all kinds of personalities. I will take these lessons into the next year as I plan to direct the Auction in 2011.
3. Is there something in my life right now I'm trying to force into existence? What would happen if I stopped? I'm not certain there is anything I'm trying to force at this time. My mind floats to the idea of being pregnant but I'm not so worried about getting pregnant anymore. I'm more so concerned with getting healthy again. I would still like to get pregnant but I'm not as crazy focused on that as I have been in the past. How do I not force getting healthy? I think at this point in my life I need to force health on to me because I'm not taking care of my body. I want to find some ways to make good changes in my life.
Here I am ready for change: change in body, mind, finances.
2. How can I integrate lessons from this past year? I would say that I've picked up several tips from leading the Holiday Auction again this year. I've learned more aspects of leading and dealings with people of all kinds of personalities. I will take these lessons into the next year as I plan to direct the Auction in 2011.
3. Is there something in my life right now I'm trying to force into existence? What would happen if I stopped? I'm not certain there is anything I'm trying to force at this time. My mind floats to the idea of being pregnant but I'm not so worried about getting pregnant anymore. I'm more so concerned with getting healthy again. I would still like to get pregnant but I'm not as crazy focused on that as I have been in the past. How do I not force getting healthy? I think at this point in my life I need to force health on to me because I'm not taking care of my body. I want to find some ways to make good changes in my life.
Here I am ready for change: change in body, mind, finances.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
My Year End Review
Now that the presents have been unwrapped (I received the serving set I wanted from Numero Uno) and family visited, I am itching to look forward to what lies ahead. Isn't that what this time of year is for? Before I make my resolutions which is inevitable, I will first look back at this year.
1. How have I spent my time? The first part of 2010 I spent my time planning. Our first ever Disney trip was booked in February with all our specific dining and event plans booked in April. I poured countless hours over travel guides and blogs. Might I add that it was this year that I was introduced to Couponing to Disney blog which I love?
I also spent some of my time in sadness and worry. We had a couple of conflicts with Uno's mom which always stress me out. I do recognize that these issues are never something we will not make it through, they are simply uncomfortable growing and stretching times.
My sadness this year came from not getting pregnant; however, I also recognize that I'm not sure how a baby would have played into our Disney trip. I truly enjoyed every aspect of the trip because I was able to spend time with each of our kids in a fun way that would have been greatly limited had a pregnancy factored into the trip.2. What was I grateful for? There has been a lot to be grateful for this year: my family, my family's health, our financial blessings, our big vacation, our camper which allowed us lots of great bonding time. My heart overflows with all I'm grateful for. We joined a church we love this year. Our relationships with our extended family have grown deeper this year. We love the small group we are in, the kids' schools are great. I could go on and on on the areas of my life that I am grateful for. One more and I will move on. I am absolutely grateful for Numero Uno. He is an amazing man of magnificent value. God has designed us for one another. Numero Uno is calm and kind, compassionate, faithful, hard working, and loving to each member of our family. He makes me laugh and is a strong, stable force in my life.
3. What were my sorrows and disappointments? I already shared that my sorrow or disappointment was not getting pregnant. I'm uncertain if the sorrow was not getting pregnant or being told that I have a syndrome that will make it difficult for me to become pregnant. I think the biggest disappointment lies in the fact that a dream of mine was burst. I envisioned myself being little Miss Betty Homemaker who could manage her house and spit babies out at will. Life is never what you envision and I am learning to adjust.
4. What books, films, etc. moved me? Crazy Love
My year end review is a little lengthy. To sum up: it's been a good year!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
My Family's Outta the House!
I have a moment all to myself! Everyone is out to get a Christmas movie to watch. Things are going really great for me right now. This time of year is most enjoyable to me. I get to pause and reflect and plan for the future all during this time. One would think that this would be a stressful time but I don't feel that way at all. My presents are purchased and wrapped. We're together as a family. No school obligations so I can focus on each task at hand plus plan for the upcoming new year.
I've been enjoying my December issue of Whole Living and there are some great topics I would like to post about. There are also a couple of big issues in my life I would like to devote some posts to in the new year. Whole Living poses some very good reflective questions to get me thinking about where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going. Currently, I'm overall happy. There are a couple of issues I'm unhappy with but have hope. No hope is a bad place to be so with hope I can hang in there.
We had Christmas today at Granny and Pawpaw's. I can honestly say that as far as gifts go, this was the best year yet! In the past I have received some doozy from the in-laws but the thought was nice. I know that probably sounds pretty harsh but there were some things I've received that I just had no clue as to what to do with. Maybe after seven years of marriage plus the two years of dating and engagement, my in-laws are familiar enough with my likes and dislikes. I will give props to my mother-in-law for always getting me something practical that I would like to have but would not put the money into it (i.e. knife set, nice bed sheets, nonstick skillet).
This year I got a complete set of Tupperware mixing bowls along with a complete set of lunch bowls with lids and cups with lids. I tried to find a picture of the cups on the site but had no luck. They really are great cups! My kids feel like their big kids using them and I feel safe that they won't leak. We also received half a cow!! I'm very pumped about this:) We will receive a minimum of 150 pounds of beef. Do you know how much money that will save us over the course of the year? Super excited about that! Plus the biggie with the kids this year is they each got one big gift they wanted: Uno got a Bruder brand Catepillar Excevator; Dos received a portable DVD player (I stood in line at Target on Black Friday for this one); and Tres received a beautifully carved, sturdy wooden high chair for her baby dolls. Granny and Pawpaw also gave them each a new set of pajamas (very cute and great gift). It was a good day.
I've been enjoying my December issue of Whole Living and there are some great topics I would like to post about. There are also a couple of big issues in my life I would like to devote some posts to in the new year. Whole Living poses some very good reflective questions to get me thinking about where I've been, where I am, and where I'm going. Currently, I'm overall happy. There are a couple of issues I'm unhappy with but have hope. No hope is a bad place to be so with hope I can hang in there.
We had Christmas today at Granny and Pawpaw's. I can honestly say that as far as gifts go, this was the best year yet! In the past I have received some doozy from the in-laws but the thought was nice. I know that probably sounds pretty harsh but there were some things I've received that I just had no clue as to what to do with. Maybe after seven years of marriage plus the two years of dating and engagement, my in-laws are familiar enough with my likes and dislikes. I will give props to my mother-in-law for always getting me something practical that I would like to have but would not put the money into it (i.e. knife set, nice bed sheets, nonstick skillet).
This year I got a complete set of Tupperware mixing bowls along with a complete set of lunch bowls with lids and cups with lids. I tried to find a picture of the cups on the site but had no luck. They really are great cups! My kids feel like their big kids using them and I feel safe that they won't leak. We also received half a cow!! I'm very pumped about this:) We will receive a minimum of 150 pounds of beef. Do you know how much money that will save us over the course of the year? Super excited about that! Plus the biggie with the kids this year is they each got one big gift they wanted: Uno got a Bruder brand Catepillar Excevator; Dos received a portable DVD player (I stood in line at Target on Black Friday for this one); and Tres received a beautifully carved, sturdy wooden high chair for her baby dolls. Granny and Pawpaw also gave them each a new set of pajamas (very cute and great gift). It was a good day.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Holiday "To Do" List
I can not believe it is already the 17th of December! We are down to the "crunch time" - the time that if you blink you will miss the entire Holiday season. I did create an Advent Calendar for the kids and it has been a huge success. The calendar does create an atmosphere of hope and expectation. Through the calendar I've daily been able to direct and redirect focus on the true reason for this holiday celebration.
The kids have not been slack on reminding me each morning to pull off a new slip on their calendar and count down the days. As far as my "To Do" list, I'm pretty much finished with gift shopping. I have five gifts remaining and I already know what to get, it's just a matter of picking them up. For Dos and Tres' classmate gifts: I ended up buying large bags for each student to use to store their goodies from the class party. Since that endeavor cost more than I originally intended to spend on classmate gifts, the bags replaced student gifts, "Ta da!"
I guess my list would look like this:
1. Purchase remaining gifts.
2. Clean my house for holiday entertaining.
3. Make a list of any and all food items for upcoming gatherings.
4. Make food items.
Finally, I'm really pumped about Numero Uno's gifts this year. Normally, I do a poor job of finding him something and normally it's just one item. But this year I got him three gifts. Grant it, they are all small but I'm impressed with my planning. I really think the Couponing to Disney blog has kept me on track.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Holiday Preparations
We have been busy, busy at my house. Numero Uno has worked hard to get all my outdoor decorations up while I have worked on the trees inside plus I have already started wrapping presents. With over 60 gifts to give, I have to start now. My BFF will have a Wrapping Party in a couple of weeks but there's no way I would be able to get it all done. I will admit I'm pretty pumped about being conservative on my spending for my decorations. All three of my trees have been passed down from my mother-in-law and the ribbons and lights and ornaments have been collected over the years.
Currently I am trying to make an Advent Calendar for the kiddies. My biggest problem is I start looking at everyone else's ideas and over think what I'm going to do instead of just doing it. Tip Junkie has a lot of great ideas. However, I feel slightly overwhelmed when looking at the crafts that these ladies have made. I am going to look in my scrapbook bag and see if there are any materials that I can use.
I head over to my mom's for the next couple of days to help her decorate her house. I think I am actually ahead of schedule as far as where I was last year. For some reason I didn't get my decorations up right after Thanksgiving last year.
I still am looking for some more good deals for Christmas gifts. I would like to find a couple of more gifts for Numero Uno plus I'm in need of gifts for his parents. If any of you have any suggestions on good in-law's gifts, I'm all ears.
Couponing to Disney still seems to post the best and latest deals for me so far. I got Dos and Tres suitcases from the Disney Store for only $12 a piece. I got a couple of toys from Target the other day but I'm uncertain if I will say those are from Santa or use them as Great Granny's gifts. Numero Uno's grandmother gives us money each year to buy the kids gifts, then we wrap them, bring them to her house, and let the kids open them in front of her. It works out pretty well.
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About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.