Sunday, September 5, 2010


What does the phrase "whole living" mean to you?  When I think of those words I automatically want to inhale deeply and slow my pace.  To be whole, to live whole.  What more could one ask for?  I think of simple things - a smile, a laugh, a warm hug from a loved one (the good kind too, the ones you instantly sink in to).  I think of natural things - water, dirt, walking through dirt or squishing my toes in mud, cutting or picking produce from my garden.  The simplicity is what draws me in. 
Now don't get me wrong, I like the finer things.  In my mind my house is one of the finer things in life.  I would never have imagined us living in such a nice home.  Also, I look forward to possessing finer things.  In Sex and the City 2 they showcase Carrie's apartment and I gotta tell you I wanted it.  I mean everything about the place exuded elegance.  I would enjoy that but would I feel refreshed, relaxed in that environment?  Are you kidding me?  Have you been around my kids?  Relaxed would not be a descriptor of me if that living room was my own. 
Instead of the elegant apartment or even the nice home I currently reside in, I long for a simple farm.  I envision myself barefoot, pregnant, sitting on a front porch swing while watching my kids play in the woods.  A garden will be close by and a shop for my husband to piddle around in.  These are the things my dreams are made of.  Funny how each person has their own unique dreams and I guess in turn their own idea of "whole living".

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.