My garden is off and running! Today I checked it out and everything is growing! I am surprised at how quickly it has taken off. I planted a lot of seeds last Thursday and today it's all coming up! I can't stop using exclamation points I'm so excited! Today, I saw signs of: corn, beans, sunflowers, potatoes, zucchinni, squash, and onions coming up. I also have my carrots, iceburg lettuce, and ruby red lettuce getting bigger:)

Now, to catch you up on life in my house for the past week:
Dos went twice to his doctor and we discovered he has bronchitis and possible asthma. Then on Sunday we spent a lovely, albeit, a very entertaining 3 hours in Cullman Regional Medical Center's ER to determine that
Dos was bitten by a baby snake! I'm administering so many meds these last few days, I should be on staff at the hospital.
Dos is fine and has an amazing story now that puts him in the instant "cool" status with friends so "all is well that ends well". We are well:)
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