I would say for about a month now, I have blown it! I mean the house has been a wreck, school work has lagged, etc., etc., etc. However, I will say that for the last week to week and a half I have slowly been trying to get the house and my life back in order.
At times like these I really have to calmly breathe through every "hiccup" that comes my way. I do not always respond calmly as noted by my recent behavior on Sunday. There is a new situation that is on the horizon and it could be another time of struggle and trial for my family which generally includes a lot of heartache. For those of you who are Christians, please pray for God's wisdom, mercy, and grace for the road that lays ahead.
Now, to my list:
1. Keep a clean house.
2. Always leave the house looking my best.
3. Spend one on one time with each of my kids daily.
4. Keep my vehicle clean on the inside and out.
5. Lose 30 pounds.
6. Truly forgive those who have hurt me and my family and MOVE ON.
7. Turn in the remaining course assignments on time.
8. Be on time for all appointments.
As you may tell, this looks more like a wish list but maybe it should be titled "My Aspirations".
Here are some photos over the last couple of weeks. (Can you tell which one show Tres getting her ears peirced?)

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