Thursdays are my absolute favorite days! I was born on a Thursday. Is that why I consider it SO special? or is it because Thursdays are our absolute busiest day of the week? Call me crazy but I love that business having to move from one activity to the next - it's exciting, fast paced. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I like everyday busy - just Thursdays. I can handle Thursdays.
Today I actually got out of bed on time and got Dos to school on time AND turned in my Golf and Walk packets that were addressed ( look for Go for the Green info). Feeling very happy with my simple accomplishment, I then proceded to get Tres to MOMS group on time!
Tres has really been crackin me up here lately. I don't know where she has learned it but she is singing "praise" songs while riding in the car. I loosely use the term praise in there because she simply throws the words "praise God" randomly in her tunes. It is precious! If only you could see the whole production. She tells me we must "sing from the heart, like this" and then places her hands over her heart while scrunching her eyes into a very serious look. She then will tell me to say "praise God" and we lift our hands up to the ceiling of the Yukon. Has she learned to praise God from me? I would hope so but I have never put my hands over my heart like she is doing. Every night since the birth of my children I sing to them. I am completely embarassed to sing in public and for some reason my singing when I'm by myself sounds way better then when I'm singing with the crowd at church:) Anyway, I have sung to them songs like "Baby Mine", "You are My Sunshine", "Something Beautiful", and "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Yes to Va-Va-Va - VBS". Oh yes, that last one was sang every single night just before bedtime during the summer of 2009. Those moments when I hold my children close or stroke their hair or dance with them to the VBS songs are what make being a mother absolutely great and the most wonderful blessing. I am no fool. I am not naive. I realize that not all mothering moments are this beautiful (you should've been at my house tonight when it took Tres an hour of whining before she would go to sleep - NOT a pretty scene). Back to the praising God in worship through song, I will say that attending Daystar ( has helped me loosen up to respond in a spirit of worship one that spills over into my everyday life not just Sunday mornings.
So, it is again late but I have done some house work so I'm happy with myself. Two things I have on my latest list: 1. Figure out how to play the coupon game to get cheap groceries. 2. Find a good book to read, any suggestions?
Good Night,
The List Maker
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Oh Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun!
Finally, some sunshine to enjoy! It will be short lived, tomorrow's forecast includes thunderstorms but we have enjoyed the sun over the last two days.
Last night we had our neighbors over to grill out and let the kids play. They had a blast! They all played together well and it was good to sit outside and relax. I made some roasted sweet potatoes and they turned out yummy! The sweet potatoes are from last year's garden. They have kept well which makes me feel very "Farmer Boy"-ish:)
Also I got to pick up some items for my living room at TJ Maxx. This was my first trip to the new store in Cullman and I loved it! I was also able to pick up a new top for spring (yay me).
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Blessed Life
Not sure how much I posted in the past about the health problems I have had this year. Actually from December [Feel the need to insert here that Tres just asked me if she wanted her to "make you a list, Momma?" Love it! How well my children know me.] to February I felt "broken". I was getting little sleep, having digestive problems, my face broke out each month (which had never happened before) I found that weird considering my age, my wrists and ankles hurt on a daily basis, and I was crying over nonsensical stuff. I heard from a friend about a cleanse and wondered if that might be what I needed to do. Also, I heard about taking a saliva test to look at my hormone levels. I chose the saliva test (which is a pretty nasty experience, but I'll save the details) and visited Specialty Pharmacy to get the test. The pharmicist told me that 95% of my symptoms sounded like low progesterone. When I got my test results back from the lab, my progesterone was low - 38. The minimum numbers for progesterone are supposed to be 75. So, what have
I been doing to help this? 1. I am taking Relora which is a herbal supplement to combat stress/anxiety. 2. I am on a 3% progesterone cream which is to be used on days 12 - 26 of my cycle. and 3. I have switched my facial wash to Mary Kay Timewise for combination to oily skin. The results? I am still struggling some nights with lack of sleep but my weepyness has disappeared, my face is clear, and my joints do not hurt as long as I am using the progesterone cream. I am only two months into these changes so I will have to continue to monitor my progress. However, I will say that one big help very recently has been me counting my calories. I could not receive a peace about undergoing a cleanse. That may sound weird to some, but I wanted something that will work for me. So far, I have lost 5 and half pounds! I do feel better when I am losing weight. I do have some lofty weight loss goals but me and Numero Uno have pledged to train for an upcoming 5K and the excersise is also helping me.
The Blessed Life part comes in feeling like I am seeing a light at the end of a four month dark tunnel. This tunnel affected every aspect of my life and I'm thankful for the upturn.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Somebody to Love
Okay, I am laughin' because for some reason I just saw an ad for a Virgin Mary iphone screensaver on my blog! What exactly am I blogging about that the Powers that Be have decided to place a Virgin Mary ad on my site? This is crackin' me up!
I was just thinking "I need to add some more pizazz to my blog." The Virgin Mary did not come to mind in that thought process:) But it has provided some humor for me.
I was just thinking "I need to add some more pizazz to my blog." The Virgin Mary did not come to mind in that thought process:) But it has provided some humor for me.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Updating My List
I would say for about a month now, I have blown it! I mean the house has been a wreck, school work has lagged, etc., etc., etc. However, I will say that for the last week to week and a half I have slowly been trying to get the house and my life back in order.
At times like these I really have to calmly breathe through every "hiccup" that comes my way. I do not always respond calmly as noted by my recent behavior on Sunday. There is a new situation that is on the horizon and it could be another time of struggle and trial for my family which generally includes a lot of heartache. For those of you who are Christians, please pray for God's wisdom, mercy, and grace for the road that lays ahead.
Now, to my list:
1. Keep a clean house.
2. Always leave the house looking my best.
3. Spend one on one time with each of my kids daily.
4. Keep my vehicle clean on the inside and out.
5. Lose 30 pounds.
6. Truly forgive those who have hurt me and my family and MOVE ON.
7. Turn in the remaining course assignments on time.
8. Be on time for all appointments.
As you may tell, this looks more like a wish list but maybe it should be titled "My Aspirations".
Here are some photos over the last couple of weeks. (Can you tell which one show Tres getting her ears peirced?)

Monday, March 15, 2010
Not Me Monday (I mean Sunday)
No, I did not have a squibble with my husband before church. And no, I did not wait to repent until worship time at church. Being soul-cleansed, I did NOT procede back to our campsite to take a much long for nap and never make it to sleep because said husband made such a rucus as to wake up the kids. And NO, this disturbance did not tick me off to no end in which I had to make a complete rear ( I will spare the actual word that I actually was) of myself on how I did not get any sleep. Thus, losing all soul-cleansing I might have received a couple of hours earlier.
No, not me!
No, not me!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Great Indoors!
Yes, I am supposed to be outdoors enjoying camping but I am inside fixing to take a nap. I am SO EXHAUSTED! What is it about camping that tires everyone out? Dos and Tres are both already asleep for their nap. I am going to lay down also as soon as I can get my laundry from the washer to the dryer. Really hoping for a nice nap:)
It is going to be chilly for soccer evaluations. Dos is playing Upwards soccer this spring at Ridgecrest Community Church in Vinemont and I am PUMPED that he will be old enough to play. I was planning on him playing AYSO soccer in the fall but when I heard that Upwards was offering this spring, I jumped at the chance. 1. I really like the positive environment Upwards provides. Uno played Upwards in Gardendale and I really liked the program. 2. Playing this spring means the season will end in the middle of June which will not interfere at all with auction planning that begins in July.
Just heard my washer click off so it's time to make the swap and take a nap, hallelujah!
It is going to be chilly for soccer evaluations. Dos is playing Upwards soccer this spring at Ridgecrest Community Church in Vinemont and I am PUMPED that he will be old enough to play. I was planning on him playing AYSO soccer in the fall but when I heard that Upwards was offering this spring, I jumped at the chance. 1. I really like the positive environment Upwards provides. Uno played Upwards in Gardendale and I really liked the program. 2. Playing this spring means the season will end in the middle of June which will not interfere at all with auction planning that begins in July.
Just heard my washer click off so it's time to make the swap and take a nap, hallelujah!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Roughin' It!
It's gonna be hit or miss with my blogging because we are camping at Smith Lake Park this weekend. We will be in and out of the house (since the park is nearby & Dos has soccer evaluations this weekend) and I really didn't want to bring the laptop.
This morning we awoke to a storm and hearing the rain hit the camper top and thunder screaming all the while watching lightening strike was a little unsettling. Oh, and the awning on the camper blew over the top and Numero Uno had to get out in the rain to re-attach it. If this is any indicator of the remainder of our weekend, I'm uncertain if I want to stay.
The kids love the camper and honestly, I do to. It is nothing new or fancy, but it is like playing house when I was a kid. You have a small space and you want to keep it just so. Oh well, such the prissy girl:)
This morning we awoke to a storm and hearing the rain hit the camper top and thunder screaming all the while watching lightening strike was a little unsettling. Oh, and the awning on the camper blew over the top and Numero Uno had to get out in the rain to re-attach it. If this is any indicator of the remainder of our weekend, I'm uncertain if I want to stay.
The kids love the camper and honestly, I do to. It is nothing new or fancy, but it is like playing house when I was a kid. You have a small space and you want to keep it just so. Oh well, such the prissy girl:)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
One Life to Live
I'm at my table, gearing up for what I know is another season of determination and self-discipline. I'm trying my hardest to quiet the sarcastic voice in my head that tells me I will fail and that I will be in poor health for the rest of my life. I am trying to focus on today.
And in focusing on today let me tell you, I am SO ABUNDANTLY AND AMAZINGLY blessed! God has saw fit to raise me up in a Christian home and environment. His blessings have continued in the gift of an amazing husband with whom I know there is no other who loves me like he does. Beyond these miraculous blessings, God in His wonderful, thoughtful grace has given me (yes, me) three beautiful children with whom I am absolutely in love with. Each one is precious, fun, and enjoyable to be around. Thank you God!
So today I will do my best (praying a lot for the Holy Spirit's support) to not wallow in my self-pity or self-loathing and "suck it up" to exhibit some sort of self-discipline over my health.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A Thousand Miles
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So this is my single step, my choice to pick up the slack of not blogging. I have wanted to blog on numerous occassions but either was too lazy or time slipped away.
Not sure where to jump in at. I would like to say that I think it is crazy - all the drama with the MckMama website. I understand everyone has an opinion but why bash the poor woman. Oh well.
Maybe I will start back up blogging regularly. For now I will share with you the photo that got me to blogging again.
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About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.