Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Get Ready, Get Set,...

It's been way too long since I've posted. Want to say I am proud that I now have one follower:) I am slightly tickled at the fact that it is my BFF.

True to my list-loving self, I started mapping out my holiday schedule last weekend and for next month it is going to be one wild ride. I'm trying to remind myself to enjoy each day.

Let me back up first and say, the Auction was a huge success. CCS raised $25,000 in that one night and it was our FIRST ever auction. I'm extremely excited about the future of this event. Here is a pic of Little Man in his school snapshot. These snapshots were sold the night of the auction for $5 a pop. The Saturday after the auction me, Numero Uno, my BFF, and her man all went to Lynchburg, TN to the Jack Daniel's Distillery. It was nice to be away from the kids and no stress for a day.

The weather was beautiful and we ate at Miss Mary Bo Bo's Boarding House. The name is a mouthful but so is the spread that they put on for each person that eats there. You get two dining options: 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. and I love it! Some of the best food you will ever put in your mouth and it is served in the old boarding house fashion (groups of people sharing a meal together around one table).

Going to historical places or any place that has a story to tell is on my "Love It" list. To hear how someone succeeded or the struggles or joys in the journey give me a weird sense of peace.
Now as far as me being off to the races, that is because I have figured out that there is a lot of activities going over the next 39 days. So much happens everyday that I wish I could remember most of it:) For instance, my man decided to get me a washer and dryer (well our broken down dryer really determined the buy) and he tried to sneak in a Christmas present but I found it. And what a find it was - a KitchenAid stand mixer. I kinda feel misplaced, I mean now my clothes are dry on the first cycle of drying time and when I bake something I basically stand there while everything blends together beautifully.
This Thanksgiving I have MUCH to be thankful for: I have an absolutely wonderful husband with whom I love him more now than ever (and not just because of the gifts), three amazingly witty and funny children, a beautiful home, a fantastic extended family, HEALTH, and God who is sweetly merciful in His guidance of me. Please do not mistake my thankful heart for someone who has it all together - no, that is what I have my lists for:)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Today is the Day!

So today is the day! The Holiday Auction. If you are curious as to how I am doing, I am up at 4:00 a.m. trying to finalize my "list" for today. Pray for me that I will not leave anything out:)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Here Comes that Rainy Day Feeling Again.

What is the matter? I am so annoyed, mad, frustrated, want to be left alone yet want someone to sympathize with me.
So, what brought this on? I am SO glad you asked. Last week I thought I would be proactive about the upcoming holidays since being proactive is one of the Seven Steps of Highly Effective people. My brother lives out of state and my sister's in-laws live out of state so my family (mom, dad,& siblings) rotate when and where we spend holidays. In trying to accommodate the traveling brother who would come to Alabama in November then have to come back in January to celebrate Christmas with us I tried to come up with a happy medium. You know what? The whole family agreed to meet him in Memphis. I text him to tell him the good news and guess what? He backs out saying he can't have anybody resenting him so they're traveling. I look at it as he's rejecting a good thing PLUS he's playing the martyr.

My whole family also has decided to go to Disney next year and since this will be a BIG expense we had mentioned that we would not buy gifts but put money toward the trip. Well who do you suppose does not like that idea? My brother. So finally I told my sis who seems to be the one getting the full truth of how my brother feels about my plans, "Fine, just tell me when and where to show up". Then she tells me I'm being a "butt". So, am I? Am I being ridiculous when I was only trying to plan good things for a smooth sailing holiday time? Well that idea is already shot right out of the gate since in the preparations we're all annoyed with each other . My brother and sis make the point they just want to sit around on the holidays and not do really any activities together. You know what my ideas were? For the kids to make crafts and the family to do a service project. No those ideas I guess will rock the boat too much. Yes, I guess my sis is right. I DO like to plan out what we will do. The idea of 17 people sitting around one house with nothing to do does not appeal to me for how I want to spend my Christmas.

How can I put their needs first? I mean isn't that what I am supposed to do? Does that mean I sit and engage them in conversation since there is nothing else going on? I guess I can do what my brother's idea is and go to a movie which by the way is another added expense. I mean is no one else bothered with the cost of a family of five going to the movies these days?

Like I said, I'm frustrated, annoyed, and mad. Lord, what is the right way to handle this? Because right now I know how the holidays will play out - my brother and sis making fun of me saying "Remember when [me] tried to get our kids to make crafts for Christmas?"

About Me

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.