Whenever I read other blogs it never fails that I come across one that reads, "Oh, I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. I will never let it happen again. Yada, yada, yada." Well, here I go...
It's been SO long since I've posted:) I am at a point where I have to prioritize or I will sink. Somehow with the end of the school year I got into a funk where I dreaded what I needed to do instead of jumping right in. Well, today I sat down and started making my summer list. Here it goes:
1. Complete summer college course.
2. Organize and pull off first kids' consignment sale named, Switching Stitches.
3. Plan and prepare for The HOLIDAY Auction.
4. Provide an exciting and educational summer for my kids.
These are just the biggies. I still have all the little things of life - clean house, church participation, keep my love life strong, blah, blah, blah. Well, here's to a good summer!