Monday, February 21, 2011


So my main squeeze is suppose to be headed out to Fairview today and will pick up my camera!!  Hopefully I will start taking pictures and posting.
I have a new game plan that I've been implementing over the last couple of weeks.  Before, I was grocery shopping every two weeks.  I felt like I was missing out on all the $1 deals in between shopping trips.  So, now in between my regular trips I view online various ladies' sites to see what $1 and under deals there are available.  Couponing to Disney does a really good job of listing them out with the title of $1 and Under, but Krazy Couponing Lady list info as does Southern Savers.  For example, yesterday, I was able to purchase lunch for me & my two youngest plus 21 other items for $22.71.  I was pretty pumped.  I guess I get so pumped because I remember how stretched I was financially before I used coupons.  Items like tampons would kill me to buy each month because it would be an extra $6 that I could have been using to buy food for the family.  Do you know that I got a box of tampons yesterday for FREE?  Plus deoderant for FREE and dishwashing liquid for FREE!!  Couponing has been one of the best ways I feel like I can contribute to my family's financial well being.  Now, my biggest challenge still remains in encouraging Numero Uno to stick to our budget:)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Need to Do That

So, I am definitely at a frustration level in looking at myself and my actions as of late.  Now, understand, my frustration is routine, it's PREDICTABLE.  There are things in my life that I take note of and think, "I need to do that".  I obviously recognize that something needs to change and yet my follow through sucks!  For example: weight.  Do you realize that if I would drop a mere 10 pounds I could probably regulate my hormones which in turn would regulate my ovulation which would get me pregnant but I still have not lost the weight.  Or the fact that at least 4 months ago I saw a cool simple art design for Dos' bedroom which would only cost $20 to buy and make and I still have not done that.  OR the curtains that match Dos'  room and have yet to purchase the curtain rod to hold the curtains that still remain folded in his closet.  OR my camera, winter coat, and favorite scarf that are currently at my aunt's house that I visited at CHRISTMAS!!  Does she live far away?  No, about a 25 minute drive.  When will I get off my sorry rear and get this stuff done? 
What makes these women who have it all together, have it all together?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

My List

I have somehow misplaced (lost) my camera.  I really would like to posts some pics of the kids that have been taken recently but none have been taken! 
My overall list has quickly increased here lately:
1.  Make 17 tie dye t-shirts for the preschool class' field trip next Tuesday.
2.  Assist the Kindergarten teacher in creating and implementing incentive levels for the elementary students to achieve during the Golf and Walk Marathon.
3.  Meet with volunteers who are willing to begin procurement work for the next Holiday Auction.
4.  Read, review, and revise the auction manual.

All of this is in addition to the regular day in and day out tasks of being a Mama.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tell Me! Tuesday

My list for today:

1.  Morning routine.
2.  Take phone call from Dad to wish me Happy Birthday and invite me to brunch date.
3.  Get dressed.
4.  Get phone call from Dad who is late.
5.  Get in fight with Dad.
6.  Cancel brunch date.
7.  Cry half the morning because of hurt feelings.
8.  Receive apology call from Dad, and I apologize.
9.  Continue the rest of my day.

About Me

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.