Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gearing Up

Okay, I'm sitting on ready making my final list of what to purchase tomorrow.  Unfortunately, I do not have a sitter for tomorrow but I do have a plan.  Early in the morning while Numero Uno and kiddies are asleep I'm hitting the Target sale then later in the day I'm taking kiddies with me to Wal-Mart.  Yes, that will be insane but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.  This trip will not be for the faint of heart:)  (Note to self: pack plenty of snacks)

So, I have purchased 21 gifts so far and I've done the count on how much I have spent thus far: $207.  I'm pretty pumped about that number considering 18 of the gifts I have left to purchase are little goody bags for Dos and Tres' classmates.  Plus I am making food treats for church and school teachers so a lot of my expensive gifts have already been purchased! 

By the way, thanks to my BFF I have found a good deal on Crabtree & Evelyn lotion.  I got five lotions for a little under $6 a piece that includes tax and shipping.  If you use it, enter promo code ebday1110.  Now I noticed that after I entered the code it said for November birthday.  Well I don't have a November birthday but somehow the code is out there floating around so I hope Crabtree & Evelyn doesn't mind that I used it:)  Shout out to my BFF for hooking me up!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Mourning into Dancing

So, I have recently discovered I have PCOS.  I think overall if I do what I'm supposed to do then this will not be a big deal.  I believe the low down is all of my important hormone levels are off plus I am insulin resistant.  I am on medicine for the insulin and trying to lose weight.  There's the rub!  I'm always trying to lose weight.  The doctor says the medicine may help me. 

Anyway I have been feeling pretty low lately.  Like something is "off" in my spirit.  Feelings like I am doing the same things over and over, making the same mistakes, having the same results.  I have a subscription to Whole Living magazine and although a lot of its focus is on "mindfulness" which tends to lend itself to Buddhism, I can find the usefulness of applying it to my Christian beliefs.  The articles do have truth in them although they are slightly misdirected.  Plus the articles that are like this are limited.  Couple the magazine reads with this Thanksgiving season and I have purposely tried to surround myself with a mindfulness of gratitude to God.  A friend of mine and I like to swap magazines and she gives me Home Life.  At first I wasn't a fan of the read; however, the more I get them the better the biblical advice coming to me.  Last night, me and the kids learned the memory verse, "You've turned my mourning into dancing..."  Shifting my purposeful focus on God has helped me feel better.  Admittedly I have not focused a lot of attention on God lately because I felt like He would be too invasive in my life but I'm finding out over and over, I need Him.  I need Him.

Today is a new day, a holiday weekend.  So much hope and promise and I am excited about the time with family.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I Would Like To Think...

I would like to think that I am one of those moms that has it pretty much together.  I don't beat the kids, I'm not a hoarder, I spend daily one on one time with each of my kids.  I would like to think I'm doing okay.  Don't get me wrong, I do not simply want to do "okay" I want to excel but today I will settle for "okay".  My comfort lies in the fact that I can look at numerous other blogs written by mamas and their last post dates are similar to mine:  "4 weeks ago"; "2 months ago"; "13 days ago"; etc.  My list get so crazy - especially here lately - that blogging daily goes to the bottom. 

Let us take a moment to laugh at my attempts at weight loss.  Ha, ha, ha!  Yes, I would like to lose weight but more in the sense of it falling off my body without any effort on my part.  Guess the weight loss issue for now will live to die another day. 

The 2nd Annual Holiday Auction is over with for another year - yay!  And it was a success:)  Now comes the hard part: the follow through.  Now I have to get everything wrapped up before I move on to whatever is next on my "list".  I hate endings, much prefer the beginnings.  Aaahh, if one would like to pause and ponder that revelation you would have a window to A LOT of my issues. 

Would you like to know our crazy weekend?  We spent 10 hours on the road Friday to go to Auburn, AL which is a 3 hour drive, stayed the weekend, and spent 7 hours on the return trip Sunday which was to be a 3 hour drive.  On Sunday we sat in our vehicle for 4 and half hours only 12 miles from our home due to a truck fire.  Upon getting off at our exit we got a phone call from Numero Uno's mother informing us that Tres was sick.  Crazy weekend!  However, I still enjoyed it.  We took Uno to Auburn's homecoming game.  Although we are not Auburn fans (Uno is our only fan), we enjoyed every minute of it.  We couldn't even remember the last time we just spent time with just the three of us.  It will be a treasured memory for a LONG time. 

About Me

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.