No, I did not get up this morning and rush out the door without my hair washed. No, my hair was not one big greasy mess stuck to my head. No, I did not take the kids to the local indoor pool and get said greasy hair wet then load the kids back into the vehicle to drop them off with their dear dad so I could go and help serve my "Hot Lunch" duty at Dos' school (with my hair in the shape it was in). And, no, I did not leave the house looking like pigs lived in it while I went swimming and lunch serving - No, Not Me!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Green Acres IS THE Place for Me!
No cute pics today, just a simple rambling which I am very good at and for some reason think that others out there want to hear. Deep down I want the farm, the seven kids (yes, seven), the land, the shop my husband has always wanted, the cloth diapers, the large family-sustaining garden, children who have a strong work ethic, respectful children who love mom and dad and grow up to be extremely productive citizens and amazing world changing Christians. I love the scripture that says Abraham died in peace and as crazy as it sounds - that's what I want - to live this amazingly long full life and to die in PEACE.
Now, if all of this sounds good then why isn't it happening? We have had our house up for sale for nine months no takers. It seems like me and my man have the same ideas (except for the seven kids - still workin' on him:) but this mortgage is killing us. Did we bite off more than we can chew? Heck yeah! but we've learned the lesson now can we move on?
I read last night in Haggai, (yes, a random Old Testament book which I am reading Old Testament books at the pleading of a friend whom assures me I can get to know the loving character of my God by reading them) this, "Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? this is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you! You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes! (emphasis added)
So, is this simply because of the economic times my house is delaying sale or is it because me and my man are not currently tithing due to our lack of money? Don't get me wrong, we are surviving where we are and I am enjoying it also. But our dreams are elsewhere. Are they being delayed due to our lack of giving the first fruits? or is it a time where time and patience will sale the house and we will move on?
Now, if all of this sounds good then why isn't it happening? We have had our house up for sale for nine months no takers. It seems like me and my man have the same ideas (except for the seven kids - still workin' on him:) but this mortgage is killing us. Did we bite off more than we can chew? Heck yeah! but we've learned the lesson now can we move on?
I read last night in Haggai, (yes, a random Old Testament book which I am reading Old Testament books at the pleading of a friend whom assures me I can get to know the loving character of my God by reading them) this, "Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? this is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you! You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes! (emphasis added)
So, is this simply because of the economic times my house is delaying sale or is it because me and my man are not currently tithing due to our lack of money? Don't get me wrong, we are surviving where we are and I am enjoying it also. But our dreams are elsewhere. Are they being delayed due to our lack of giving the first fruits? or is it a time where time and patience will sale the house and we will move on?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Hey, What if We go...
Can not believe I forgot to share my family's spontaneous trip! Last week my man was off work and he was helping me make the bed. We were talking about how great it would be to take a trip somewhere since the weather is so BLAH here. At that moment we decided we would head up to Chattanooga! It was awesome! We threw some clothes in a bag and headed out the door. I loved it:) And where did we go you might ask?
The Tennessee Aquarium of course! We found a great and super cheap hotel in Ft. Oglethorpe, GA (a town I had never heard of but it is only 8.6 miles from the aquarium). The whole experience was just what we needed. We went on a Tuesday and no one was at the aquarium so the kids could run wild and it didn't matter.
Would love to show more pictures of our trip but for some reason I can not figure out how to place my pics exactly where I want them on this page and it is driving me crazy. One would think that I would be able to edit my blog the way I want it but NO I have been trying for 20 minutes now to move pics and it simply is not working.
On to the important stuff. Dos and Tres absolutely loved the hotel. They are now the age where they can really enjoy a new environment. Plus this was the only place where I allowed jumping on the bed. It was a real treat!
For the aquarium we all loved it because of so few visitors the workers really took the time to talk to us about the exhibits and the kiddies even got to pet a Sable rabbit. Not sure why the rabbit was in the aquarium but since this place also houses birds, snakes, and butterflies I guess the more the merrier:) When the kids started whining we simply loaded up and went home and they slept on the way back.
I completely enjoyed this trip and hope that we will continue to do drop-of-the-hat type of activities.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Nothing New Under the Sun
I am sure that every blogger questions her motives as to why to start a blog. Me? I am doing so now. Why do I blog? My husband doesn't like the idea of me putting my thoughts and feelings all online. I have told no one I blog except my BFF. And I'm not even transparent in my blog, I keep everything "cutesy and nice" for fear that someone who might read what I have to say might possibly think, "she's not a good Christian". So, why do I blog? What sense of satisfaction comes from strangers reading my thoughts? Do I not have enough people in my life to tend to and maintain relationships as it is already without adding numerous unknowns? (Slightly tickled that I think there are "numerous unknowns" reading my blog)
I had an English teacher who use to say "there is nothing new under the sun" and tonight however depressing it may seem for me, there is nothing new under the sun. Here I am again - overweight, in a time of extreme productivity which means I can not calm down to sleep which will eventually lead to me dropping the ball somewhere then getting behind to attempt to try and catch up with my list and be productive. Is there no happy medium?
I had an English teacher who use to say "there is nothing new under the sun" and tonight however depressing it may seem for me, there is nothing new under the sun. Here I am again - overweight, in a time of extreme productivity which means I can not calm down to sleep which will eventually lead to me dropping the ball somewhere then getting behind to attempt to try and catch up with my list and be productive. Is there no happy medium?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh, What Fun It Is To Ride...
and what a ride it is! Christmas preparation, participation, and enjoyment is in full swing. I took the kids pictures this weekend and of course it is rare that all three are smiling but I still have the memories:) We had a fantastic weekend with Uno and it was a busy one. Our area actually had its first snow - well, "dusting". We ran out to get the kids pics in it but little missy wouldn't have any of it.
All three kids got along great this weekend and that meant the most to me and Numero Uno. His work Christmas party was yesterday. His work does a great job of trying to make this a wonderful family event. I look forward to getting back the family pictures taken there. His company hires a photographer for the event and each family can have its picture made.
Well today was an exceptionally productive day so I better head to bed so tomorrow will be also:)
-The List Maker
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About Me
- The List Maker
- I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.