I have had the misconception that life would not really become hectic until closer to the Holidays. Boy, was I wrong! The Holiday Auction that I'm heading up is keeping me steadily busy plus with our house on the market I feel we are on the move constantly. For example, we have shown our house 7 times in the past two weeks. This is great and speaks favorably for our real estate agent, Sandy Morgan from Coldwell Banker of Cullman. http://www.coldwellbankercullman.comI LOVE to take a nap when Dos and Tres lay down and it has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of taking a nap with them.
I will interject that my day with them has been perfect. The rain from the past couple of days has brought in a cool front and the temperature outside is in the 70's with a nice breeze. We have spent most of the day outside playing hide-and-seek as well as working in the garden. Mainly right now in my garden I'm trying to clean it up because most of my plants have produced all they're going to right now and look pretty ugly left where they are. We also made homemade pizza and ate lunch on the back porch. What a great day!
Now, I am trying to put together a list of events that are upcoming that I need to keep up with. Here's what I have so far: 1. Organize Dos' Field Trips (at least the stuff that I as Room Mom am in charge of) 2. Fall Carnival 3. Holiday Auction 4. Grandparent's Day at school 5. Field Day Now, I believe #4 and 5 are not until the Spring which is a relief but if I don't put it on my list now, I will completely let them slide without a second thought.
Honestly though, I love what I am doing. My heart's desire was to be a help to my kids no matter what age they are. I was afraid that once they got out of the baby stage I would be lost. Never fear, life as a Room Mom is keeping me plenty busy!
The List Maker:)