Saturday, August 22, 2009

Already Busy !?!

I have had the misconception that life would not really become hectic until closer to the Holidays. Boy, was I wrong! The Holiday Auction that I'm heading up is keeping me steadily busy plus with our house on the market I feel we are on the move constantly. For example, we have shown our house 7 times in the past two weeks. This is great and speaks favorably for our real estate agent, Sandy Morgan from Coldwell Banker of Cullman. http://www.coldwellbankercullman.comI LOVE to take a nap when Dos and Tres lay down and it has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of taking a nap with them.

I will interject that my day with them has been perfect. The rain from the past couple of days has brought in a cool front and the temperature outside is in the 70's with a nice breeze. We have spent most of the day outside playing hide-and-seek as well as working in the garden. Mainly right now in my garden I'm trying to clean it up because most of my plants have produced all they're going to right now and look pretty ugly left where they are. We also made homemade pizza and ate lunch on the back porch. What a great day!

Now, I am trying to put together a list of events that are upcoming that I need to keep up with. Here's what I have so far: 1. Organize Dos' Field Trips (at least the stuff that I as Room Mom am in charge of) 2. Fall Carnival 3. Holiday Auction 4. Grandparent's Day at school 5. Field Day Now, I believe #4 and 5 are not until the Spring which is a relief but if I don't put it on my list now, I will completely let them slide without a second thought.

Honestly though, I love what I am doing. My heart's desire was to be a help to my kids no matter what age they are. I was afraid that once they got out of the baby stage I would be lost. Never fear, life as a Room Mom is keeping me plenty busy!


The List Maker:)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another Day

Here I am with my little girl sitting at the kitchen counter. We are blanching green beans and counting "1,2,3" over and over. We are visiting a new church, Daystar.
I have been raised Baptist my whole life so in beginning to visit this church my guard was way up. I still have my guard up a little because I want to make certain this is the church my family and I are supposed to be at. I will say that during church service today, Numero Uno, participated the most I've ever seen him participate in a church service. This church seems amazing and a source of hope for me right now. We had one more church on my "list" to visit but we feel so comfortable here that I think we'll stay for now.
I am so tired right now and yet there is still a list of To Do's:
1. Fold Laundry
2. Put up laundry
3. Cook supper.
4. Bathe kids.
5. Continue to cut out letter and number cards for the K3 class.
6. Plan out Tuesday's Volunteer Kick-Off party (did I mention I'm heading up a Holiday Auction for Cullman Christian School?)

I am getting my second round of squash and zucchini coming in. I still have tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, watermelons, and green beans making. In my next garden, I don't believe I will plant as many cucumbers as I did this year.

Since Numero Uno is taking Uno back to his mother, me and Dos and Tres are chillin' out here at the house. I love Sunday afternoons. Now, if I can only find the motivation to complete today's list:)

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Little Miss looked too cute in her "shades". I hated that she had to have her eyes dilated.

Here is Dos after a day of school. He is so tired but in a good way. He was able to tell me about all he did today including drawing a "beautiful picture for Mama".

As I noted earlier, Dos, started preschool this week. He only attends two days a week but I'm tellin' ya - it's killing me! My baby is almost 4! I know that they say time passes quickly and us Moms have got to let our kids go, I just thought they meant middle or high school. But preschool? My heart hurts when he leaves. I've even considered homeschooling which if you knew me that would be nothing short of a miracle. But then I see how happy he has been to go to school. Tuesday, his first day, he didn't even hug me goodbye. He just took off to his class line and then with the cutest smile gave me a goodbye wave as if to say,"Seriously you need to leave now".

Meanwhile, my list for today I thought was fairly straightforward but man did time fly. Before I knew it, I was again waiting in the pick up line for Dos. Today I got to take Tres to the eye doctor, Dr. Paula Robinson, from Dr. Jill Meyer and Associates. Dr. Robinson looked to see if my little girl has RP which is a degerative eye disease on my husband's side. Good news is her eyes look great! The bad news is this disease does not usually exhibit itself until later in life.

One more thing has been added to my "To Do's": Room Mom for Dos's class. Now before you think, "oh man, that stinks" I wanted this position. I love this kind of stuff! My joy right now is getting to laminate and cut out letter and number flash cards. Thankfully I do not have to have them turned in til next week because I believe it will take me that long to get all 1500 (that's right 1500) of them completed:)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The List Maker

I am a list maker - always have been, always will be. There is something in my nature that absolutely loves the sight of a good list, including the beautiful numbers that signify in what order each task is to be completed. Even more beautiful is when I can take my pen and cross off a completed task!

Being a wife and mom, a list is crucial to my well-being and success. So WHO makes my list? Numero Uno is my wonderful husband. He is the calm one who makes my life sane. As far as children go: Uno is my 8 year old stepson who is a handsome, very caring with a twinkle-in-his-eye THIRD GRADER! Duos is my 3 year old son who just started preschool this week (that is a WHOLE other blog), and Tres is my 2 year old daughter who right now is still not a sleep in her bed even though I have already sang, "Something Beautiful" and "Baby Mine".

For my overall Life List: 1. Grow old with Numero Uno.

2. Have seven children.

3. Travel to Italy and Greece.

4. Not allow mean people to hinder my life.

5. Be kind and loving to my family.

6. Write a book.

So, I seriously doubt #2 or #6 will ever take place but for some reason I would like them to.

About Me

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I'm a thirty-three year old stay-at-home mom to four beautiful children. I am daily learning what it means to be a Christian who loves God.